Chapter 21

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St Mungo's was willing to send Harry back home before too long, Remus still had glitter glue in his hair when they came to pick him up. The day he returned they mostly just sat around on the sofas reading while listening to the radio, at least, Harry and Remus did while Sirius went out to tinker with his motorbike. Harry cuddled up in his soft, oversized clothes with the large dragon plush Draco had bought him (by now he had about 10 different dragon plushies ranging in sizes, all in the corner of his bed in the pile with his other plushies), Predawn around his neck.

For dinner they had pasta with a ragu sauce, and the meal was a somewhat awkward quiet, but it wasn't so awkward it was unbearable, and none of them really had anything to say. Harry almost enjoyed meals without conversations he had to join than when he did talk, although that did depend on who he was with.

"Sleep well, Harry. You can come to us if you need us, you know where our room is. Tomorrow we're going to talk about school and we're going to try to ask you to teach us how to say something in Parseltongue." Remus said as he tucked Harry in, Sirius pressing a kiss onto Harry's forehead.


"Can you actually understand what he's trying to say?" Sirius asked, Remus having been hissing for a while now.

"No, I can't hear any words." Harry said quietly, hugging the dragon plush close, leaning his chin on the top. "You're not saying any words."

"I swear I'm making the same sounds as you, though." Remus sighed, flopping back down next to Sirius, who patted him on the back, even though he was laughing at him.

"Parseltongue... Parseltongue is a magical language... You aren't going to be able to speak it by mimicking sounds." Sirius said, breathing roughly to try to stop himself laughing. Magical languages often needed a specific kind of magic to work, clearly neither he nor Remus had that kind of magic.

"This isn't funny Sirius, this is important." Remus snapped at Sirius.

"You're right, you're right. This is Sirius." Sirius joked, only for Remus to send him out.

"Harry, even though everything that's happened before has happened because of other people at Hogwarts, but the truth is a lot of bad things have happened to you, more than should have happened to anyone. I can't tell if this will help you or not, but we do need to try having you attend a different magical school." Remus said, leaning forwards and looking directly at Harry.

"But I don't wanna be separate from Draco." Harry mumbled, face in the plushie, making Remus have to work to be able to hear him, although it was an argument he was expecting.

"Harry, if you decide to go to another school then we will do our upmost to convince the Malfoys to have Draco go with you to your new school. And when you're there we can also make arrangements to make sure the two of you stay together as you definitely count as a special case." Remus explained, making sure his tone was gentle, trying to make sure Harry didn't panic about it.

"But what about Melissa and Ven?" Harry mumbled even quieter. He only saw them at Hogwarts and while he was sort of friends with Pansy and Blaise, he knew he would still see them if he never went to Hogwarts again, but Melissa and Ven were so nice to him and Draco, so he would be really sad if he never saw them again.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but what did you say?" Remus asked, not able to understand what Harry had said.

"Melissa and Ven." Harry said more clearly, moving his mouth away from the plushie to make him clearer again.

"Oh, those two Slytherins a few years older, right?" Remus asked, he didn't know them that well, but it was obvious that they also cared about Harry. Harry nodded in response to his questions. "We can try to get them to join you too."

"Where would I go?" Harry asked.

"There are a couple of big schools in other countries. The big 3 wizarding schools are Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbaton. That being said, there are a lot of small magic schools in Britain that aren't Hogwarts. Some are better than others, of course, and we'll make sure the one you're going to is a good one." Remus said, moving to sit next to Harry, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Are you willing to at least try to look for a new school?"

"I don't wanna go alone. Can you and Draco come with me?" Harry asked quietly, liking the feeling of Remus' hand in his hair.

"Of course we'll go with you, pup. Did you think we would send a 12 year old to different schools alone?" Remus asked, kissing Harry's forehead gently.

"Mhm." Harry nodded, hugging the dragon closer again.

"Well we won't, we're your godfathers, we'll always be here for you." Remus reassured. "And don't worry, going around a school doesn't mean you have to go there, you have the final decision."


"Do you have a working solution?" Natasha asked the two Lupins who stood in front of her, Harry sleeping at Malfoy Manor with Draco.

"No, I tried to copy Harry saying 'open' in Parseltongue, but he said I wasn't saying any words and he couldn't understand me." Remus sighed, Sirius feeling rather a lot more like they were being told off again.

"Damn." Natasha spat, annoyed.

"If I may offer something," Mme Pomfrey said from the corner, brown eyes looking almost cold with frustration, "I am a creature myself. All we need to do is make sure I can make eye contact with Potter."

"Poppy, we don't know if your inheritance is stronger than the control of the Basalisk!" Minerva shouted at the mediwitch.

"Maybe we don't, but we also have no other way to make sure we can deal with the Basalisk." Mme Pomfrey said, turning to Minerva, pink starting to tint her brown eyes. "We can bring the sleeping mask as extra security."

"The mask while under the Basalisk's control gives him terrible nightmares. Why would we put him through that!?" Sirius cut in, angry and protective of his godson. He wasn't able to protect his little brother, but he would protect his godson if it took his life.

"Do you have another way into the chamber?" Pomfrey asked, waiting for an answer for only a moment before deciding she was right, and sweeping through the room to the door. "I think Monday after next would be the best time to do this."

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