Chapter 38

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A/N: I drew Khadija! If there's something wrong with how I drew her, please let me know, none of the outfit she's wearing is skin tight, I hope you like her!!

Khadija felt off, she couldn't quite put it into words, just there was something off. Some things weren't lining up, she had been moved to the muggleborn course because Professor Wilkins was a terrible person who didn't have any respect for Khadija's religion or her religious practices, so why was she suddenly moved to the halfblood course?

It's not like Professor Wilkins started respecting Islam, and the teachers still frowned when they saw her hair was still always covered, of course, when she was alone in her room it would be uncovered, but nobody was going to see her then. Her grades had always been good, so it's not like she was moved away for her grades.

As far as she remembered, she didn't make any friends that could make Professor Wilkins move her away, at least not that she remembered.

She didn't really remember Harry Potter much at all, as far as she knew he was just a mute boy who sat near her in class who was extremely shy. She didn't remember having any particularly fond feelings towards him, although when she thought about him there was a feeling in her heart that felt like guilt or sadness, but she definitely remembered never feeling anything even close to resentment or hatred towards him either.

So why had she acted like that when she saw him?

It wasn't surprising the people around her agreed and started laughing, they hadn't liked her too much because the teachers didn't and she tended to keep to herself too, but after that incident they started to hang around her. She felt more off then than normal when she was doing it too, but she found that she felt like that whenever she looked at Harry Potter, in person or in pictures. She didn't remember anything that could make her feel like that.

There were other things that didn't line up, she was clearly trying to be like Snape, but why was all the reading material she had in addition to the school required books were on Natasha McGonagall. She had absolutely nothing on Snape, and reading through the stories of Natasha McGonagall, Khadija fell in love with her stories.

"Khadija." Her mother called, everyone was being forced to go home this Christmas holiday, apparently something was going on with the teachers and they needed the students out, but Khadija didn't have a problem with it.

"Mum." Khadija said with a bright smile, leaving her suitcase behind as she rushed forwards to hug her mother, going back to her stuff to grab it.

"How was your term?" Her mother asked, she was wearing black that day, and her skin was darker than Khadija's but her eyes were lighter.

"It was... fine. I'm back in the halfblood course, but I don't remember why." Khadija said, her smile a little half hearted, which her mother absolutely noticed.

"We got a letter from the Malfoys, they said they want to meet us. At the very least one of us and you." Her mother said gently, a little worried as the explanation in the letter she had received was minimal, but it said that Khadija may not know what it was about because of Professor Wilkins, and that if after the meeting she wanted to go to Hogwarts and they were okay with it, the Malfoys would help to get her there.

"The Malfoys? I remember meeting the son a few times, but I don't remember talking to him. I wonder why they want to talk to us." Khadija pondered, walking with her mother to the apparition point.

"I'll be the one to go with you, your dad will stay with your brothers." Her mother said, grabbing Khadija's arm to apparate close to their home.

"Alright, I'll go unpack, love you." Khadija said, running to the house and bounding upstairs with her stuff.

"Khadija!" Her 6 year old brother shouted, pointing at her from his room he shared with their youngest brother when she reached the top of the stairs.


"Hey, everything will be fine, I promise." Sirius whispered to Harry, who was shuffling uncomfortably on the black sofa of the room next to the room the Malfoys were using to have the meeting with the Pettersons, or whichever members of the family showed up.

"Sirius is right, now we know how Maddison did everything, Axol can undo it with relative ease. They will help her, and if after that she doesn't want to be your friend any more, then on the plus you're going back to Hogwarts and you already have friends there." Remus said, giving Harry a little half hug and a peck on his forehead.

"Hello, I'm Nadia Petterson, and this is my daughter Khadija Petterson, you asked to see us." A voice that Harry didn't recognise said from the other side of the door after the sound of a door opening and closing.

"Thank you so much for coming. I'm Narcissa Malfoy, this is my husband Lucius Malfoy, and our son, Draco Malfoy. I'm sure that you know that there's issues with the teachers of King Arthur's, what you don't know is that we're the cause of those problems. We got information on Maddison Wilkins that is extremely concerning, and this does involve Khadija." Narcissa said, talking very smoothly, why it was Lucius and not her who was the politician in the family was a mystery.

"What? What exactly happened?" Nadia asked, worry filling her voice in a way that Harry had grown to recognise over time, but would still leave a bitter taste in his mouth as he knew Petunia could never have that tone in her voice, especially not about him.

"Maddison Wilkins seems to have learnt how to mimic something similar to a siren inheritance, allowing her to manipulate and temporarily control people. It seems like, to some extent, she can change people too." Lucius said, his voice cold, but not threatening.

"How does this involve me though?" Khadija asked, sounding worried.

"Do you remember being friends with me and Harry?" Draco asked simply.

"We.. were friends?" Khadija asked, feeling something in her gut, she just wasn't sure if it was good or not.

"Yes, we were, but suddenly you and Harry stopped coming to my room, and Harry shut down. When we got back here I read the report and you didn't act like yourself at all, at least not the you that I knew." Draco said, his eyes flicking to the door, knowing Harry sat on the other side.

"Our healer, Axol, has developed a cure for what Maddison does. They can give you the treatment and after that you can decide how you go forwards." Narcissa said, Axol passing through the room Harry was in and into the meeting room, Draco smiling at Harry when they made brief eye contact.

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