Chapter 6

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A/N: Trigger warning for this chapter. There is implied s3xual assult on children as well as attempted drugging and s3xual assult on a child. If you don't feel comfortable reading this I will put a summary of this chapter in an author's note at the end. Stop reading once Harry has entered the room, and you can start again after the second break. There is a description of how the character acts while drugged, but they aren't in danger. Please stay safe, I love you all.

"How was Lily?" Lucius asked when Narcissa got home, he was in the middle of smartening up his outer robes for going out. Narcissa's robes were damp from Lily's tears, James had been the one who was able to help her calm down, knowing better than anyone else what she had gone through.

"Before I asked about Slughorn she was fine. We need to look into him immediately, search his home for some of the people who disappeared, and make sure those who still have their jobs have security if you want them to talk to you about it." Narcissa said, though her voice sounded like it was devoid of emotion, it was only because she was trying to not breakdown herself.

"So Draco was right?" Lucius asked, worried about Narcissa's paler complexion.

"He did it to the Dark Lord too, Lucius. If he could and would do it to him, how many more people has he hurt like this?" Narcissa asked, her voice getting weak.

"Can you write to let the McGonagalls know? We don't have enough for a prosecution yet, but they need to know how big of a situation this is." Lucius said, leading his wife to a seat, holding her shaking hands gently.

"I need to tell them what Lily said. Find the people he's taken, that and Lily's memories should be enough to convict, and get the other victims to come forwards, if they're anonymous or not. It doesn't matter as long as they become free from that disgusting man." Narcissa said, fuelling her fear and disgust into anger that she would use to take him down, no matter what it took. She owed that to both Harry and Lily.

"Do you need me to stay?" Lucius asked, his voice gentle, his eyes unusually kind.

"I need you to find the people he has control of. Apparently he uses a mix of legal and illegal methods, so be aware there are probably people under the imperius curse." Narcissa said, her eyes becoming cold.

"Of course, I'll find them, we'll help them." Lucius said, continuing to get his outdoor robes on before apparating away to pull his strings to find Slughorn's house.


It was a few days after Harry and Draco had started their lessons, Draco taking on the responsibility of teaching Harry new potions, but he didn't know if it was on the syllabus. Harry was still terrified when he saw Slughorn, who seemed to have started a little club, most of the members were around 16, muggle borns, halfbloods, or purebloods with poor relationships with their families or families without much power. 

These members of his club were slowly becoming more and more jumpy, a few starting to act a lot like Harry. Some of the younger ones were jealous of Harry, taking out their anger about whatever it was on the poor small boy.

Harry wasn't the only person Slughorn seemed to have an eye on, because when Harry was out of his view his eyes seemed to follow the youngest Weasley with the same look as he had whenever he looked at Harry.

That wasn't Harry's only worry, he hadn't seen Predawn since he came to Hogwarts, and while for most of the time he could sense them, there had been several times now when Harry would feel cold and drained of blood as he couldn't sense them.

"Potter, McGonagall asked me to get you." Percy Weasley said, looking down his nose at the small boy as they approached the Great Hall for dinner. His eyes were cold, and his fringe seemed to cast a nasty shadow, but his eyes looked an uncomfortable white.

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