Chapter 46

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Harry and Draco were luckily not involved in much for the rest of the year. Khadija ended up becoming closer with the two of them again, which meant they also ended up being closer friends with Hermione. Khadija and Hermione were rather different, if Hermione had a question she would usually go to a teacher or the library to find any books on the topic, but if she couldn't find anything and people didn't want to tell her anything, she would usually drop it unless it was very important. She was often tired, and would only come down to breakfast on time at weekends because Khadija dragged her downstairs rather than let her keep reading the same thing she had been reading for the past week after having downed enough coffee to power a small building for a few days.

Khadija was the kind of person who didn't like reading about things she wanted to learn about, but she did like reading fiction. If she wanted to know about something she would bug the people around her until they told her what she wanted to do. She liked the smell of coffee, but she couldn't have caffeine without having a splitting headache.

"Do you actually like coffee?" Draco asked as the 6 of them sat near the black lake, Khadija, Pansy and Blaise running around playing some muggle game Hermione had told them about, Draco, Harry and Hermione sitting on a blanket and cushions reading, drawing, or doing homework.

"I don't like the taste, but tea doesn't have enough caffeine and I ended up addicted to it in first year after a fifth year kept giving me some one night when we were all working on a puzzle together." Hermione said with a shrug, turning the page on her book. All of them were ignoring Ronald Weasley, who was hiding behind a tree a few yards back. He had started following them after they had become friends with Hermione, it seemed like it was Hermione rather than Harry or Draco. "My parents weren't very happy about it, and complained so now First Years aren't allowed caffeinated coffee."

"Have you considered sleeping?" Draco asked sarcastically, eyebrows raised.

"Have you considered not annoying the person with a heavy, screaming book?" Hermione asked, raising the old book that almost looked like it was going to fall apart.

"Yeah, okay, you're right, I'm sorry." Draco said raising his arms to defend his face, laughing a little.

"That's what I thought!" Hermione said, throwing her chin comically high in the air, before going back to her book.

"You wouldn't have actually hit Draco, would you?" Harry asked so quietly he was barely audible, but as he was close to Hermione and she wasn't expecting it, his comment made her jump and almost drop the book she was holding.

"What?" Hermione asked, looking around for a second before realising it was Harry who had asked that. "Oh, Harry, I wouldn't have hit him hard, and probably not with this book, but I might have gently tapped his head."

"And mess up my hair, oh no you don't." Draco said, looking scandalised as he held his hair gently, of course messing up his hair more than the imaginary book tap.

"Serves you right for suggesting the most useless solution." Hermione said, poking her tongue at him, they heard something from the tree that Ron was failing to hide behind, but they didn't know or care what it was he was on about.

Draco grabbed Harry, pulling him into a hug, making Harry fall over from the side he was lounging on to the opposite side that Draco had been on. Harry sat, more like lay, in Draco's arms, looking stunned for a moment before relaxing into the hug. Hermione raised her eyebrows at Draco's response to her comment, shaking her head, rolling her eyes, and turning back to her book.

"Hey." Draco said, looking down at Harry.

"Hey." Harry mumbled in response, being the first to break eye contact, his cheeks warming more than normal.

"You feeling okay?" Draco asked, tilting his head to the side slightly, still looking at Harry's eyes.

"I'm fine." Harry said with a small nod, tensing momentarily as Draco started to play with his hair, starting to braid it, his skills far worse than Melissa's which meant the braids were rather bobbly.

"If you're sure, you've been acting a little oddly recently though." Draco said, now focusing on Harry's long, messy, everywhere, curly hair.

It was true, Harry had been feeling odd recently too. He wanted to be around Draco all the time, like normal, but he also felt off slightly when he was with Draco. His face would flush more when Draco was playing with his hair or looking at him in the eyes, and his stomach felt like it was fluttering wildly when Draco held his hands or met his eyes. He felt like his skin was covered in electricity when Draco touched him, and it was becoming harder and harder to stop his inheritance from showing, both the wings and lines that covered his back to his cheek, from where his wings came out.

"I'm sure." Harry said with a nod, making Draco accidentally pull Harry's hair as it was in his hand and he was still holding it to braid it.

"Sorry, Harry! I didn't mean to!" Draco said, moving his hands closer to Harry's head to try to stop him from accidentally pulling Harry's hair again, his hands brushing Harry's scalp, making Harry flush a little more.

"It's my fault anyway, so don't worry about it." Harry said quietly with a slightly lopsided smile.

"Oh stop flirting and kiss already!" Hermione snapped over her book.

"Wh- what are you talking about?" Draco stuttered, both his and Harry's faces flushed darkly, Draco almost looking like a tomato with such a bright red blush, but Harry's skin was darker than Draco's and his embarrassment also caused the red and gold pattern to start to reveal itself again.

"Are you going to tell me I'm wrong?" Hermione asked, her eyebrows raised at Draco, Harry hadn't denied it, he hadn't said anything, it looked more like he had frozen in place from surprise at Hermione's statement.

"Y- yes! W- we- we're friends, best friends, but we don't kiss!" Draco said, dropping the short braid that he had been working on, waving his hands around as he tried to deny it.

"Mhm." Hermione hummed, looking at them with one eyebrow raised before going back to her book.

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