Chapter 9

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Harry was lying in his bed, convulsing and sweating profusely. Even when it had only been him and Draco he hadn't been able to vocalise what he was feeling, and either writing or signing were completely out of the question. He felt as though his throat had closed up, and his chest hurt like it was being melted by acid stronger than any known to humans.

Draco led Natasha into the room, his face full of fear. He had no idea what was going on, and he didn't know how to help either. Tears were forming in the corner of his eyes.

"You go get Mme Pomfrey." Natasha instructed, a hint of worry in her voice otherwise filled with urgency. She needed to get Draco out of the room, brave as he may be, he's still a child, and this could traumatise him, it was hard for her to look at.

Draco nodded, and quickly ran out of the room, stumbling in his haste. Natasha turned back to the boy on the bed, clearly in a lot of pain, she was somewhat relieved when she felt his forehead with her inner wrist that he didn't have a fever, although his skin was clammy from the sweat.

"Harry, you need to keep the duvet on, you're going to freeze if you don't." Natasha tried to say gently as she put the fluffy, green duvet back over him. She knew he wouldn't be able to respond, but she didn't doubt he would prefer to know what was going on.

Natasha conjured a towel to wipe away Harry's sweat while she waited for Poppy to come, hoping the other woman would know what to do, but she trusted that they would find what to do if she didn't already know. Natasha knew Minerva would be willing to work day and night beside them to find out what to do, after all, she saw Harry as her family.

It didn't take long for the mediwitch to come in, a bag presumably full of potions in her hand, and Draco following her out of breath. Natasha stood back for her as Poppy took a seat by Harry, passing her wand over him for diagnostics.

"Something has happened to his familiar. It's not dead, but it's in a state not so different. Potter's magic isn't responding kindly to it. He'll need the people he's closest to him around for a long while if we want this to get better any time soon." Mme Pomfrey said, pulling a green, foul smelling potion out of her bag, and passing it towards Harry. "Mr Potter, you need to drink this. when you wake up from this, things will be easier for you." 

Harry couldn't take the potion himself, but he opened his mouth for her to pour it in, which she did. His body went limp almost immediately.

"That will help to calm his body and magic. Mr Malfoy, you must stay within reach of Mr Potter until I tell you otherwise, I understand there are times where you can't be with him, but you must not leave him alone, and remain in contact with him as much as possible. His connection with his familiar is somewhat formed on the relationships he has, as humans can't become familiars, even if they're animagi or have inheritances. This also means the support of the people his bond is somewhat formed of can help stabilise him." Mme Pomfrey explained, Draco nodding along.


"Sirius and Remus Lupin, you are needed at Hogwarts urgently!" A rather more polite than normal howler yelled into the kitchen that morning, before tearing itself up.

"We should go now." Remus said, his throat slightly closed as he tried to tell himself everything was fine, even though they were just yelled at to get to Hogwarts. Harry had just gone through something, surely he deserved a break?

"I'm sure he's fine, Moony." Sirius reassured as they headed to the fireplace, although his own heart was pounding. The previous night had been the full moon, and even though he had his potion it hadn't been a good one.

Coming through the fireplace revealed a familiar, but unwelcoming scene as Narcissa and Lucius already stood in the office. Each step filled them with more dread as they stepped into the room, from Natasha and Minerva's grim faces they were almost expecting the worst.

"I'm sorry to be calling you all back here so soon after the incident with Slughorn, but Harry needs you. If you can think of anyone else Harry has a strong connection with, please contact them. I'll explain everything in Harry's dorm." Natasha said, throwing flu powder into the fire and calling out that her destination was the Slytherin common room.

"What happened?" Sirius asked, Remus not able to form words as he looked down, his face filled with horror and dread, mouth too dry.

"Something happened to his familiar. He needs the people close to him around him as much as possible to help him. Please stay as long as you can, I'm sure Draco will need your help too." Natasha explained, opening the door to his and Draco's room, letting the four enter before going back to her office.

She needed to find out what had harmed Predawn, after all, while in general in the wizarding world there were few people with familiars, there were usually a few at Hogwarts from homes that wouldn't accept them, causing them to project their feelings and love onto an animal. If something had affected Predawn enough to put Harry in this state, then it was capable of doing it to others.


Draco kept his world, making sure that he was within contact with Harry as much as possible as the small boy slept. He may be fine, but he still looked restless as his face would scrunch up whenever anyone left and he was still sweating.

At night Draco would curl up around Harry, he had done it almost a thousand times before, but for some reason, now it was making him start to blush, but Harry's health was more important than his warm cheeks.

During the day, Draco would hold Harry's hand while he did other things. Mostly reading as there wasn't much he could do.

It took about a week for Harry to wake up again, looking pale, although not as pale as Draco due to the sunburns he has sustained at the Dursleys, but better than he was before.

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