Chapter 42

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"So what was it?" Remus asked, having been sitting on the chairs near the fire, unable to completely settle down at any point, getting up and moving to a different seat every few seconds. "I can see he's staying there."

"He encountered a boggart. It took the form of Dursley holding a badly hurt, probably dead Draco." Sirius said with a sigh, he had seen his brother's dead body from a boggart after finding out about Regulus' death, but he had never seen his little brother's actual dead body so he knew it wasn't easy for Harry to go through, he could fully understand why he wanted to stay with Draco.

"Poor thing, I guess we should check for any boggarts regularly." Remus suggested, getting up and grabbing his wand. "Want me to deal with it?"

"Please." Sirius said, smiling sadly at his husband. He would still have to accompany Remus to the point Harry had been, seeing how Remus had no way of knowing where the boggart was.

"Of course." Remus said, giving Sirius a small kiss, and a gentle squeeze of his shoulder, before grabbing his wand and heading to the door. "What was it in?"

"An old, abandoned fridge. He was curious and opened it, only for the boggart to come out and become his uncle and a badly injured, probably dead Draco." Sirius said with a sigh.

"We should have warned him about boggarts. He was just starting to open up to him being curious, hopefully this doesn't stop his curiosity." Remus said, sounding guilty, and by the slight tense in Sirius' shoulders, he felt the same way.

"We couldn't have known he was going to run into a boggart outside." Sirius tried to assure Remus, although it seemed like he was also trying to convince himself.

The two men trudged through the trees, occasionally seeing movement from the corner of their eyes, but even though they knew there were forest elves around there, but not many of them liked people. They were kind enough to let Remus and Sirius run around in the trees at the full moon, so they were already doing more than they owed the two of them. Finally they reached the dirty, rusty, damaged, old fridge that had started rattling, meaning the boggart was indeed still there.

Sirius stayed back as Remus approached the shaking fridge, wand grasped tightly in his hands, grabbing the handle and pulling it open, stepping back as a slightly cream silver orb flew out of it. Remus' boggart, the full moon.

There were very few times when it was something different, both because it was genuinely something that scared him, but also because he learnt during the war how to control what the boggart coming out, as he knew what he could do to make it funny. During the war, especially when the fear and mistrust were highest, there were many of the dead bodies of the marauders, or one or more of them attacking Remus, and he had been forced to leave the boggart to someone else.

"Ridiculous." Remus said calmly, the full moon bursting into a half filled balloon that flew around making a farting noise.

It wasn't really funny, nor unexpected, as it was the same every time, but it seemed the stress the two men were feeling needed to burst through, and it did so at laughter at the stupid noise made by the boggart balloon. The laughter itself was a cause for more laughing, as they laughed at each other for finding such a silly thing funny.

The two men laughed themselves silly, Sirius having sunk to his knees and both had tears in their eyes, chests actually hurting from how much they were laughing. The boggart was long gone by the time the two men finally calmed down, but even as they were finally calming down, they would have the occasional breaths of laughter spilling out.

"I think we're both tired." Remus said, finally not laughing anymore, but a smile still pulling at his lips. "C'mon, I'll make some tea and we'll rest for a bit."

"Yeah, sure." Sirius said, still chuckling a little, Remus helping to pull him up.

"Any clue when Harry is coming back?" Remus asked, leading the way back through the trees to get back to their house to put the kettle on.

"No, to be honest it's likely going to be at least an hour, but if he comes back then he'll probably bring Draco." Sirius said with a sigh. Harry hadn't gone into much detail about what he saw in the boggart, but it was enough to understand how scary of a situation it was for Harry to face, especially alone.

"Makes sense, guess there's no point in planning to have him here for dinner, but still make enough for him and Draco." Remus though aloud, walking in and immediately going to put the kettle on, Sirius heading for the living room.

"I'll have lavender rooibos please. I have a mug." Sirius said, draping himself dramatically on the sofa.  

"You used the last of that this morning, so unless you want to go out now and buy more then you have to choose another tea." Remus called back, looking through the teas for one that interested him.

Sirius let out a pained sigh and a pout, heaving himself back up and off the sofa to look at the available teas over Remus' shoulder, sneaking a kiss onto his husband's cheek as he did so.


"Can I come back in now, or should I just go?" Khadija asked, sticking her head round the door a while after she had heard the noise stop.

"Sorry Khadija, I think it's best if you go." Draco said, inclining his head apologetically at her, Harry having cried himself to sleep against Draco's chest.

"It's not your fault. What happened to him?" Khadija asked, walking past the two boys and the table to the fire place.

"Boggart." Draco answered simply, with a slight grimace, he was as glad that he hadn't seen the boggart as he was sorry that Harry had.

"Was it his first time meeting one?" Khadija asked.

"I think so, at the very least it was bad, but I don't know if Harry would even know if he had seen a boggart before we met." Draco said, looking a little downcast.

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