Chapter 33

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The next morning Harry was starting to feel anxious as Khadija wasn't showing up. By this point she would definitely be in trouble for her lateness. It wasn't like her to sleep in, even when she stayed up all night, but she hadn't seemed ill yesterday either, so it didn't seem like it that was the reason she wasn't there either.

Nobody else in the class seemed to notice she was missing, nor did they look like they cared, not that Harry had been expecting them to. He was sure they would only have ever noticed if he was absent or late in order to get him in trouble, but it seemed like they didn't even care about Khadija to that extent.

Harry was distracted for a lot of the lesson by how Khadija wasn't there, and a green bug that seemed to be buzzing around, more so to the back of the room and around Harry's desk, but it did sometimes buzz over to the front of the room, and around some of the other students and the board. The little green bug would often land on his desk and he started to notice that it was quire shiny, and some parts of it looked black in the lighting, although he knew it was all a beautiful green. It had little spectacle markings around its eyes, that Harry thought was cool.

"Potter!" The Transfiguration teacher yelled, swirling around when Harry bent down to have a closer look at the bug, making Harry jump upright immediately. "Repeat what I just said."

Harry did know what she was talking about, Professor McGonagall had taught this topic to them in one of the first lessons last year, not to mention that it wasn't a particularly long or complicated topic, but they had spent the last three lessons on it. It seemed most of their lessons went that way, they would spend far too many lessons on a rather basic topic, then would whiz past the more complicated topics.

The problem was that none of the teachers could sign, and would usually end up punishing him for doing so, often saying he was making offensive gestures. They also wouldn't accept him writing the answer and holding it up, because not the whole class could know what he was communicating. Of course, if he didn't answer he would also be punished, and detentions here were so much worse than detentions at Hogwarts, even with Snape, where he would make Harry deal with the potions ingredients, and would breathe down his neck.

"You were clearly not paying attention, detention at lunch, and stay behind to do 10 extra questions." The teacher snapped when Harry was unable to answer, Harry didn't really give much of a reaction, almost too used to it by now.

The class laughed quietly, and Harry could hear the whispers and sniggers, and just hid his face. The beetle circled him once and then went out the window. Harry almost felt sad to see the beetle go, its bumbling around more interesting and pleasant than class normally was.


For detention Harry had a relatively easy task, although it was physically demanding and time consuming. He had to carry a lot of potions equipment to the halfblood course building and rooms, mostly the larger cauldrons and magic stoves. Harry hadn't really seen the halfblood course building before, as during the tour they had mostly focused on the pureblood buildings with the most advanced facilities.

One of Harry's trips to the halfblood building Harry accidentally bumped into a small group of students. Harry hurried to pick up the cauldrons he had dropped with a very loud clatter, when he froze, looking back up.

In front of him was Khadija, looking down at him with dull eyes and a cruel smile. Was she not in class today because she was here? Harry guessed he was happy that she was in a better course, as much as he was sad that she wasn't with him anymore. He would have hoped that she would have told him if he was changing courses, though.

"Oh look, it's the useless saviour of the wizarding world. He can't even talk!" She laughed, pointing at him and her voice sounding rather different to normal, but Harry wasn't really thinking about that at that moment.

"Omg, Kadi, you're right, he's not even arguing!" Another girl, with dark brown hair in a high ponytail with wisps falling into her face, her voice shrill, nasally and annoying.

Harry didn't show any kind of response, just picking up the rest of the cauldrons and trying to rush off, but a guy significantly taller than Harry shoved them all out of his arms again. Harry was trembling slightly as Khadija and the others laughed and jeered at him.

Harry scrambled to pick up the cauldrons and rushed away, not noticing that the same green beetle was hovering around him again. Harry wasn't crying, but his throat felt tight and his eyes looked dark, the lights in his eyes gone.

Harry avoided going the same way when going for the next load of equipment. It took all of lunch for him to deliver everything, and he hadn't been able to keep much breakfast down, worried about Khadija, but now he was regretting that. Clearly Khadija didn't want to be associated with him anymore, at least not in a positive way, perhaps his existence was annoying for Draco too. Although they weren't together in class, Harry still took up a lot of his time.


Draco was worried by now, it was already midnight and it was a night when he and Harry were supposed to meet, but Harry hadn't shown up yet. He couldn't go and see how Harry was, because even at times like this there were people to prevent purebloods from going above their floors. He hoped Harry was okay, and it just happened that there was a test or something so Harry had to revise instead.

That's what Draco wanted to believe, but Harry stopped coming to see him all together. No matter how late he waited, Harry never came, even if he stayed awake all night Harry wouldn't come, and no matter how late at night it came he couldn't sneak upstairs either. Draco was really worried now, and wrote more letters to his parents, Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius, he tried writing letters to Harry too, but nothing came from it.


"This isn't the kind of work I normally do, but here you go." A blonde woman with a strong jaw, bejewelled spectacles, green eyes, broad shoulders, and a dress that was cut to show off her neckline and defined chest said, handing over a large pile of papers, a few moving pictures of Harry clipped to the stack.

"We appreciate it, thank you." Sirius said, Lucius handing over a rather large pouch that was heavy from the amount of money it contained.

"This is what we agreed on?" She asked to confirm, not wanting to have to count the whole thing.

"What do you take that Malfoys for?" Lucius demanded, standing tall in front of her, casting a dark shadow over her that she remarkably managed to carry in stride.

"Well then, pleasure doing business with you. Rest assured your hush money is more than the Daily Prophet could ever pay me, so this won't be leaked by me. Chao!" She said, sweeping into the fireplace and away in a burst of green flames.

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