Chapter 23

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Harry didn't walk to the second floor girls' bathroom this time, but instead to the third floor, where a large, circular door with multiple snakes on it opened from a space between a statue and old portrait that had previously been a blank wall. The area behind the door smelled horrible, like rotten sewage.

Anyone in their right mind would be scared to enter the room, but Harry wasn't in control of his own actions, making him walk in without even a pause. Harry was only about three steps into the room, before the door closed and he collapsed to the floor, hitting it hard, with a loud, wet smack.

The young Tom Riddle walked up to the boy lying face down on the slightly flooded floor, red eyes looking down in disgust. He had taken some of the familiar's memories as he drained their life for himself, and according to those memories, this little child had stripped his future self from his body.

The child had practically no defences against anything, although they definitely did have strong power, and it seemed to be true that they had defeated him, as he could feel some of his own magic stemming from them. It was disgusting, how could anyone this pathetic ever defeat him? How low did he fall in those years, perhaps the number of horcruxes he made was a mistake.

Tom wanted to be able to force the child to tell him how he was defeated, with the obvious power held in the body and the fact his soul obviously could easily connect to theirs, it might even be an idea to use their body rather than have to make a new one for himself. He thought it might be rather nice to be a child again, only this time with no threats of bombs falling on him and killing him. His soul was already partially attached, he probably wouldn't have too much difficulty pulling his soul back together in their body, then it would be simple to kill or trap the original soul, and find another way to become immortal.

Hectane was off to kill the filthy blood that remained in the castle. It was almost a shame that the management had changed so thoroughly, as last time he let her out the students were still there, so he was more capable of killing the filthy blooded students, rather than just light worshipping idiots who would fight against him if he didn't become the child.

It was with a rough kick to Harry's side between his ribs that Tom kicked him so his face wasn't in water, he wanted him alive after all. Some pulsing red and gold lines running to about his cheek, definitely some of his inheritance to show how strong his power is.


"What?" Draco asked, backing away from Sirius and Remus in their little cottage. He felt his arms and legs go cold as the dread and shock set in. He knew it was a bad idea, he knew something was going to go wrong, but they were told it would be fine, and when Harry said it would be okay, Draco stopped fighting about it.

"We're sorry, everyone is still hunting the Basalisk and we will get him back." Mme Pomfrey said, having been kicked out now that her job in the group was unnecessary due to Harry having been taken, obviously.

"How can you be sure he'll be alright after that!? What if he's killed again!? How could you let this happen!?" Draco screamed, his face going red from his anger, although his blow up was purely verbal.

"It was an unforeseeable issue that had arisen," Mme Pomfrey said, calmly.  "And Potter was aware of the danger and agreed to do this anyway in the hopes of helping the whole school. We are doing our best, but we needed to deal with the Basalisk, and it's not like Potter can die. I'm sorry something went wrong."

"An 'unforeseeable issue'? Harry 'was aware of the danger'!? Harry thought he was safe! He didn't think he was going to disappear! He didn't know he was going to end up possibly with the Basalisk in the Chamber!" Draco yelled, fear and anger in his voice. He knew Harry shouldn't have gone to help, do any of the aurors actually see him as a person, not just the person who defeated the Dark Lord, and thus invincible?

"Draco, there's nothing we can do now. We should go back home." Narcissa said gently, laying a hand softly on Draco's shoulder, knowing he was fighting to not cry, and wanting to comfort him without bringing attention to it.

"Just wait until my father hears about this." Draco spat at Mme Pomfrey, eyes cold as he passed her to the fireplace, Lucius currently attending a meeting at the ministry.

"Oh, Dragon, come here." Narcissa said once they were in the manor, pulling the boy onto her lap like he was 6 again, holding him close as the tears finally burst out from sheer terror. There was little Narcissa could do but sit with him and comfort him as he sobbed, both feeling useless that there was no more that they could do.


Harry was slowly coming too, an unpleasant dampness beneath him and on his face, it wasn't completely cold, so it took him a moment to realise that the terrible dreams he had been having where he was back with the Dursleys receiving punishment for ever having dared to attend Hogwarts weren't real. It wasn't a pool of his own blood that he lay in, it was water, water that distinctly smelled bad. He had a similar taste in his mouth and it was rather disgusting.

"So the great hero rises, honestly I was scared you had drowned." A voice Harry didn't recognise said from above him, Harry wasn't an idiot, he had realised he was probably in the Basalisk's nest, meaning this was its master who wanted Harry.

Harry jumped to his feet, feeling for his wand only to see the other person holding it in their hands rather loosely as though they were about to toss it into the air. Harry had to admit they were rather attractive, brown hair falling lazily onto their face, which had a sharp jawline, and delicate features. Their nose seemed to make a point at the end and looked as though it had been broken once years ago due to slight wonkiness at the top. Their eyes were a piercing red that seemed to look straight through Harry, but had a clouded look Harry knew he used to have when he stayed with the Dursleys and for a while afterwards. Their chin was slightly raised and they sat on one of the tall snake statues, meaning they were looking down at Harry in a rather arrogant fashion, not that Harry was really able to complain about it.

"God this is boring, ask me something, where this is, who I am, why I have your wand, what I'm going to do with you. This is no fun if there's no input from you." They said, hopping down, surprising Harry from the lack of a splash. They walked around Harry, like a sea creature would to confuse its prey. Harry thought he would prefer even the most terrifying sea creature to this situation, especially if in that case he had Draco, and his wand.

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