Chapter 50

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"Um," Harry started, he had gotten Sirius and Remus to join him at the kitchen table the evening he came back from Hogwarts so it was just the three of them. Remus was keeping half an eye on dinner that was cooking in the oven. "Draco and I are..."

"You're what?" Sirius asked when Harry paused for a little longer than Sirius had patience for, Harry's nerves seeming to rub off on him too.

"Siri, give the poor boy room to speak in his own time." Remus chastised slightly, but he also sensed the tension in the room and really hoped it was nothing bad.

"Draco and I are boyfriends..." Harry said quietly, looking down at his fingers as though they were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world, and given Pansy had painted them they were definitely more interesting than normal.

"That's great Harry!" Remus said enthusiastically, walking around the table to give Harry a hug, Sirius going the other way round the table.

"Can't exactly say we're surprised, but we're glad you're happy and were willing to tell us." Sirius said with a slightly mischevious smile as he hugged Harry tightly.

"I'm guessing you'll want him round even more often now?" Remus asked, gently poking Harry's nose affectionately with a kind smile as Harry nodded.

"He's still not coming around every day, I want some family time; just the three of us." Sirius said, picking Harry up from his seat in a hug.

"And some times with Lily and James too, but you can have Draco with you too then." Remus said, feeling a little sad that Harry was struggling so much in bonding with his own parents, some of the most wonderful people he knew.

"Thank you." Harry said a little watery, feeling a little choked up, he knew better than anyone else what would have happened if he had told the Dursleys this.

"Of course, Pup. No matter what you identify as, who you like, or who you become we will always love you." Sirius said, putting Harry back down on his chair as Remus went over to the oven as the timer went off.

"Give me a moment and it's time for dinner!" Remus said with a bright smile as he pulled the chicken casserole out of the oven.

"Moony, you're the absolute best!" Sirius said with bright eyes as he went back to his seat at the table.

Remus shook his head and rolled his eyes at Sirius' comment. It had been Sirius who had done most of the preparation for the meal, even if it was a very simple recipe that Remus' mother had given them. He guessed the comment was mostly about how he now owed Sirius money as Sirius had insisted they made a bet on when Harry and Draco got together.

"Enjoy!" Remus said, putting the plates in front of each person at the table.

It was a very good meal, and they spent most of the time talking about Harry and Draco's new relationship. It took a lot of work for Sirius and Remus to not laugh when Harry described their kisses, it was so cute that the two boys thought that the gentle pecks on the lips were considered a deep kiss, but they would learn as they grew up and saw more about relationships. It was slightly more odd that Draco didn't know anything about romantic relationships, but then again they guessed that Lucius and Narcissa didn't have that kind of relationship.

"Sleep well, Harry, we'll see you in the morning." Sirius said with a small wave as Harry went to bed, Sirius and Remus remaining downstairs longer.

"Sleep well..." Harry sad quietly, waving as he walked upstairs, looking very tired, almost too tired.

Harry trudged up to his room, feeling exhausted, barely managing to get into his pyjamas before he passed out on his bed, much more tired than before.


"Harry?" Sirius called upstairs the next morning, Harry hadn't come downstairs yet and it was already 10:30.

Harry was normally in the living room by now.

When he got no response, Sirius went to Harry's room to check on him, and maybe encourage him to come downstairs and get some breakfast. There was a breeze coming out from underneath Harry's closed door, and it wasn't latched. Sirius pushed it open and what he saw made his heart feel like it was frozen over.

Harry was gone.

Hedwig was gone.

And the window was open.

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