Chapter 40

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Khadija would visit often, but she would only go to Malfoy Manor, so Harry wasn't always there. He had forgiven her, but that doesn't mean he wasn't scared of the same thing repeating, after all even though he hadn't lost friends since going to Hogwarts, he had lost each one he had made before Hogwarts. A lot would act the way Khadija had.

"I don't think he's really okay with me yet." Khadija said sadly, looking down at the tea that had been served to her, the snacks she had brought sitting open on the table between her and Draco.

"I don't think it's that he doesn't like you, but it was tough on him. He broke down and he shut his magic inside and ended up causing a lot of damage to his room and a decent amount of damage to his body too. He's fine now, and his magic isn't shut inside anymore and he hasn't caused more damage to himself or the stuff around him, Axol healed him so he's physically better now too. It's not your fault you acted like that, an it's not your fault that he reacted like that too, his life was pretty sucky before he got his Hogwarts letter and we met hence the selective mutism, so it was more of a trauma response." Draco said gently, nibbling at the coconut snacks she had brought for them.

"That doesn't make me feel any better." Khadija said her eyes flicking over Draco coldly before letting out a sigh and leaning back on her chair causing it to be resting on the two back legs.

"Well, it's the best I can do, you can't force Harry to feel better, and it's going to take some time for him to feel more comfortable again. He doesn't blame you, but that doesn't mean he's not afraid. We don't know quite how Maddison's powers work, so that could also be a source of anxiety for him." Draco said with a shrug, the coldness of her gaze meaning nothing to him.

"I know nobody can force him to feel better, and I know I can't undo what happened, but I just want everything to have never happened. I didn't chose to act like that or treat him like that, and I have to face the consequences. How can Maddison being put in Azkaban actually fix the situation?" Khadija said, the front two legs of her chair slamming back down loudly, with slight scraping of the back two legs.

"You're right, it doesn't fix everything, and it's not fair, but there's nothing we can do, and there's not anything we can even ask them to do." Draco said with a shrug himself. He wanted Harry to be back to normal too, but it takes time, and Harry needed to be able to heal himself on his own time.

"I mean, memory charms exist, couldn't they be used to make Harry forget about everything?" Khadija asked, only half joking.

"Other than that being illegal as you have to be at least 17 to be able to consent to a mind wipe of those kinds of situations, it wouldn't work in this situation. First of all, it's highly likely that Harry remembered events that happened before he even went to Hogwarts, so there are very few people that would be able to erase it without erasing a lot of his memories, especially given we don't want his mind to be damaged, so we'll need to make sure he has enough memories to explain that time period. Second reason it wouldn't work is because his magic got badly affected by what happened, so even if we erased his mind his magic would end up recovering those memories for him." Draco explained, he had asked his parents the same thing before when Harry was at his worst from everything, and they explained it.

"Why is magic so complicated!?" Khadija complained, sliding down until her chin was on her table.

"Because everything is complicated." Draco said, sipping his tea elegantly. "But magic is normally simple when it's not used on or to make living things."

"And how often is that?" Khadija asked, looking up at Draco, her eyebrows raised.

"... When you're doing housework? I guess we really do do a lot of living including magic, potions especially." Draco said after a pause, looking surprised when he thought about it.

The fire turned green as it roared, Harry bursting through it with Sirius holding his shoulder just tightly enough to keep the two of them together and Harry close to him. Harry immediately ran to Draco, and it took a moment for him to realise there were tear tracks on Harry's cheeks, they had dried by now, but Harry had clearly been crying.

"Harry? Are you okay? What happened?" Draco asked, holding Harry's face and inspecting it, looking at him with worry filling his face.

"Would it be better if I go?" Khadija asked, immediately sitting up. She also wanted to look over Harry to make sure he was okay, or give him a hug, but she knew better.

"I don't think there's any need for you to leave, but if you can wait in another room for a while, if you decide it's taking too long nobody will hold it against you for leaving." Sirius said, talking softly, clearly worried about Harry starting to cry again.

"Yeah, okay." Khadija said, getting up and walking out, closing the door behind her. This was probably something that Harry wouldn't have been able to talk about if she was there anyway, he was never too personal with what he talked about with her.

"Harry? What happened?" Draco asked again when it was only the three of them in the room/

"He was outside and wouldn't stop crying and couldn't talk to us, when he finally calmed down enough to start talking he just insisted he come to you." Sirius explained as Harry silently clung to Draco.

"Hey, Harry, everything's fine, I'm here, you're fine, we're all fine. Why are you crying?" Draco asked, hugging Harry tightly and rubbing his back.

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