Chapter 12

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When they all got back to the common room after a comfortably uneventful dinner, Harry went u to Melissa. He knew she was in a relationship more like Sirius and Remus, than Narcissa and Lucius. He hoped she would be able to help him.

"Hm?" Melissa let out a questioning noise as she looked up at Harry who had tugged gently on her robe sleeve. "Harry, something wrong?"

Harry shook his head, fiddling with his fingers in front of him.

"Want to go to my dorm to talk in private?" Melissa offered, already standing up from the comfortable armchair by the fire. It was definitely an armchair, not a sofa, but it was very large, and could probably fit two people. She didn't have to look at Harry to see he was following behind her to her dorm.

"So, what's up?" She asked, plopping down on her bed that verged on too soft for Harry's liking.

"Um... What does love feel like?" Harry stumbled out in a whisper so quiet Melissa could barely make out his words, not making eye contact with Melissa out of embarrassment.

"Love? that's a tricky one, you see... Everyone feels it differently. Not to mention there are different kinds of love. I guess, the easiest way to notice you love someone is if you would do things for them you wouldn't for anyone else, or if you'd do anything to get something they gave you back if they're not there anymore. Of course, these don't mean your feelings are a healthy love and not a toxic obsession, the easiest distinction between them is that if it's love then you give them freedom, and don't make them choose you over anything else. You don't own them." Melissa said, she didn't want to give Harry bad advice, after all, but there's only so much experience she had too.

"Doesn't it hurt if they don't chose you?" Harry asked.

"Yes, it does, but if you love someone then you're going to be hurt, and if they're not worth hurting for they're not worth loving. Everyone can hurt us, and it's not always their fault or our fault, and not everyone is worth that, but we get to chose who it is. Of course, if they do things to hurt you, or make you feel like you're nothing without them then they're also not worth it." Melissa said, looking at Harry concerned. She didn't know if Harry still loved his aunt, uncle and cousin, but he needed to know they weren't worth the pain he went through because of them.

"How do I know someone in the way Sirius and Remus do?" Harry asked, quietly.

"I don't know, I don't know how those two love each other, and love changes over time. As far as how you know you're romantically in love with someone, I guess you want to be close to them than with others, you want to be more affectionate with them, get to know them better, be around them more even if you're doing different things, and would drop everything just to be with them, or at least want to." Melissa said, describing how she felt about Rose, although the gnawing thought of another who suited that description for her.

"Oh, okay." Harry said quietly, going back to the door to leave. He thought he had enough to start figuring out how love felt, and maybe if he currently felt it, some of that sounded familiar.

"I hope that was helpful." Melissa said brightly as Harry was at the door, not that she was following, it seemed like she had a fair amount to think about herself.

"Mhm." Harry hummed with a nod as he looked down, disappearing from her view pretty quickly.

"Hhhhhhhhh," Melissa sighed, flopping back on her bed. "Ven... Why did I think of you too?"


"Harry, you okay?" Draco asked as Harry came over after leaving Melissa's room. As usual, Harry sat quite close to Draco.

Due to there being other people in the room, Harry didn't talk, but he did nod. Harry was getting much better, but he was still struggling when there were large groups of people he wasn't close to were around him. It didn't matter if they had no ill intention towards him, or even if they wanted to help him, he was terrified.

"What did you two talk about?" Draco asked, only to receive a shake of the head from Harry, making him pout.

"Is the young Mr Malfoy pouting?" Pansy teased in a commentator voice, poking Draco's cheek jokingly.

"Why, Parkinson, I believe he is! Breaking news everyone, Malfoys can make the same facial expressions as everyone else." Blaise joined in, holding his hand up as if holding the magical voice amplifier Lee Jordan used when commentating the Hogwarts Quidditch matches.

"Oh, put a sock in it!" Draco snapped, shoving Pansy's laughing face away from him roughly, although a smile still played at his lips.

"By the way, did you hear the seeker went home? Apparently they were one of the people involved with him, and their aunt is taking them as they're moving to Durmstrang." Pansy said, changing the subject and swatting Draco's hand away like it was a drunk pixie.

"Weren't you and Harry going to try out before... Everything?" Blaise asked, looking at the two, Harry mildly interested as he seemed to fit perfectly into the small space beside Draco, the other boy in question looking a little awkward.

"Well, there's only one place on the team, so I probably won't try out, I want to be able to be there if Harry needs me." Draco said with a smile that was only a little lopsided, Harry immediately bolting to sit upright.

'You should go for it, I can wait in the stands for you. You're the one who wanted to do this.' Harry signed, a determined look on his face.

"Are you sure? You're better at flying than I am anyway." Draco said with a slight laugh.

'I don't want to be on the team, I don't want to mess up, but you're good and want to.' Harry signed fervently.

"As long as you're sure. Make plenty of noise if you want me, though, I'll be right over." Draco said, ruffling Harry's hair with a bright smile, making Harry's cheeks go a little pink.

Harry froze, however when he heard the whisper.

"I'm going to fiiind you, ssssssssssspeaker."

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