Chapter 28

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Harry's hands shook, hiding behind Draco slightly as Sirius took them to their new school, Remus and the Malfoys staying in the manor with Axol as they had food poisoning and something else also made them ill, but Axol was unable to diagnose properly.

"Have a good time, I'll see you both at the holidays. I'll write to you often, Harry, both of you write to us whenever you can." Sirius said, kneeling down and pulling Harry into a hug. He was unsure how to say goodbye to Draco, he doesn't really seem to like being hugged unless by specific people, that Sirius was not part of. Everyone knew that hair was oddly important to Lucius and Draco, so ruffling his hair before starting a new school was almost definitely not the right thing to do.

Sirius ended up settling on a rather awkward handshake, taking Harry's hand, Harry clinging to Draco's arm with the other as they walked out of the trees to the front of the school. Harry wasn't sure if he liked the look or layout of the school, it was definitely different to Hogwarts and Harry's primary school, but it might be better than Town Farm Primary.

"It's only you three today?" Maddison asked, smiling a little too sweetly for Harry.

"Unfortunately the others got food poisoning." Sirius said, choosing to not mention the other mysterious cause of the illness. "I'm not saying they definitely got it here, but please do make sure the food and drink is safe, we don't want people getting sick."

"Of course, our students are the most important thing to us." She said, covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes widened in shock, but the gleam in her eyes didn't change.

"I'll see you as soon as I can." Sirius said, messing Harry's hair up more than it already was. Sirius missed the hand Maddison had reached out to him, walking back to the trees.

"Well, let's get you both settled in with your classmates, uniforms and rooms. I'm sure you will enjoy your classes, you will both take a test to see which group of peers you will end up with." Maddison said, offering her outstretched hands to the boys instead, Draco returning only a glare, and Harry clinging onto Draco tighter.

"My father has already told you the two of us need to stay together, right?" Draco asked, marching past her into the school premises with Harry.

"Mr Malfoy did indeed demand the two of you be put in the same class, and I got a letter from Hogwarts saying the same thing, but I hope you understand that this is a school, meaning people here are supposed to develop their independence, if I let you two always be together then you won't learn to be alone. Neither of you will be given any special treatment." Maddison said with a sickly smile that made her face look twisted and malicious.

"What!?" Draco spat in response, not having any other words to say. How was he supposed to respond to that? She said she had not only been told by Lucius, but also by someone from Hogwarts, probably Natasha, that he and Harry had to stay to stay together and yet here she was saying she wouldn't do that.

"If the two of you end up in the same class, the two of you end up in the same class. Your rooms are not next to each other's, and you will be expected to be in your own room overnight. All classes will be with the same group, and you're expected to eat with them too in order to promote class bonding." Maddison said, marching in front of the boys to lead them to their dorm rooms.

Harry was uncomfortable, especially at the idea of being separated from Draco. He was sure the two of them would still be in the same class, as they would always study together so they are about the same level in all subject, unlikely to be enough to have them be put in different classes.

"This one is Mr Malfoy's room, the others on this floor are also all purebloods and have the largest rooms in the school." Maddison said, stopping by  the first door you came to entering the building to the right. Draco nodded, still standing outside the room and waiting for her to take him and Harry to Harry's room. "Well, what are you waiting for? That's you room, go in and have a look around, I'll fetch you with Potter once I've shown him his room and you've both changed."

"I'll be coming with you and Harry to see his room, thanks. He can't tell you if there's something wrong after all." Draco said, not bothering to mention that Harry was clearly still scared or uncomfortable and clinging onto him as tightly as he could.

"He has selective mutism, he can talk if he wants to." Maddison said, her eyes cold as she looked down at the two.

"No, he can't. It's called selective mutism because there are some instances where he can talk, but in general he can't. If he's alone with you he is not able to talk." Draco said, putting his arm around Harry protectively, his eyes managing to seem almost colder, although Harry was only receiving warmth from him.

Maddison went to pat Draco's head, her eyes having the aquamarine glow back in her eyes, but he smacked her hand away. His arm fell, eyes dulling for much less time than Remus, Narcissa or Lucius' eyes had, and Maddison smiled widely and scaring Harry with the look in her eyes.

"I'll go have a look at my room." Draco muttered, letting go of Harry and going into his room, leaving Harry alone with Maddison, terrified.

"Follow me to your room. You may be seen as the saviour of the wizarding world, and a hero or whatever, but you're not pureblood so your room is not close to the Pureblood kids. You may not be muggleborn, as we have to call them, but you may as well be, so your room is with them." Maddison said, sweeping upstairs as her skirt flowed around her ankles, Harry struggling to keep up and confused about how she never tripped on her skirt, seeing how she wasn't holding her skirt up at the front, and it wasn't a different length at the front.

The muggleborn rooms were small, if the number of doors were anything to go off, and it was the top floor. It seemed the students were split by "blood groups" with 2 floors for pureblood students, 2 floors for halfblood students, although there were more rooms, and one floor for muggleborn children, although it had the same number of rooms as all those for halfblood students. Harry's room was at the very end of the hall to the right, it seemed as though the rooms were split by gender by right and left.

"Don't you like your room?" Maddison asked, smiling with her lips twisted in a way that made Harry's guts squirm.

The room was not a nice room, it was cramped, and Harry thought it might even be smaller than Dudley's second bedroom, although it was still bigger than the cupboard under the stairs. There was a small window, which could half slide open, and otherwise it could only for a saggy, poor quality bed and a battered chest of draws that seemed to be held together using the old muggle practice of duct tape.

Harry felt like he couldn't complain, not really, it was still an improvement on how the Dursleys wanted to treat him, how he was treated for 10 years, but it was so horrible compared to Hogwarts, Malfoy Manor, or the Lupin cottage. Harry guessed he had gotten greedy with how good his life had gotten recently.

Harry looked down, walking into what was to be his room for a while, how long he didn't know, although he was hoping not for long. He just hoped that Draco's room was better, even if he wasn't allowed to see it.

"That's a good boy." Maddison said with a twisted smile, ruffling Harry's hair, the aquamarine glow in her her eyes again, although Harry, unlike the others, showed no response, no dulling of the eyes. "Get into your uniform and then we'll go to the test.

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