Chapter 24

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The whole of the Chamber of Secrets was flooded, Harry could feel the water in his shoes, squishing through his socks with every step he took. The person who had his wand still circling him, they didn't appear entirely physical, as there were moments where Harry was sure he could see through them, or he literally saw something pass through them, but they were clearly solid enough to have stolen his wand and to scare Harry as they got progressively angrier.

"For fucks sake, why won't you ask me anything!?" They demanded, pushing their face close to Harry's, making him flinch back. Harry was too scared to sign, and he didn't have anything to write with him, not that he was sure he would be able to do that either, his hands felt like they were glued to each other and tied close to his chest.

Their red eyes fixed Harry with an unpleasant feeling, that seemed to spread through him, and see parts of him he didn't want to have exist any more. Harry started to tremble as his memories of living with the Dursleys came to the forefront of his mind, remembering what happened as he slowly stopped talking, and gradually lost the ability to do so.

"I see, you're mute, to some extent. Then I won't bother waiting for you to ask, I'll just tell you. My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, I am Lord Voldemort, and the heir of Slytherin." He said grandly, spinning Harry's wand on the back of his thumb.

Tom looked angry when Harry didn't really show much of a response. He obviously knew that Voldemort was someone dangerous, especially from how nobody would talk about him by name, but he wasn't someone who scared Harry more than anything else. What had he really done to Harry? He hadn't killed his parents as everyone had said, and while Harry had died last year, he wasn't dead, was he? Dumbledore, Slughorn, and the Dursleys had all personally affected Harry, while Voldemort was... Less scary than that.

And the heir of Slytherin? Harry didn't think that sounded all that scary, he was a Slytherin, and he liked being in Slytherin house, the people there were nice, and wouldn't force him into places he wasn't comfortable. Sure, Pansy and Blaise would often push him more than others, but they wouldn't make him do something if he was obviously scared or uncomfortable.

"What is wrong with you!?" Tom yelled, making Harry jump back, scared.

The whole room was flooded, so that standing on the floor meant the murky, dark, greenish water was just over his shoes, and Harry had never been there before, how was he supposed to know there was only a rather thin platform with a deep gap either side?

Harry gasped, his eyes widening in fear as his heel missed any floor, falling past the point where he could save himself, splashing the dirty water high as he fell in, his thick clothes already a little water logged, and only absorbing more and more water, dragging him down. Harry had never really learnt how to swim, maybe because the Dursleys wanted him to drown sometime so his death would be an accident and they would be rid of him without being under suspicion, all they would need would be some tears.

Harry relied on his instinctual thrashing of his arms and legs to try to get back to the surface, his lungs screaming at him to breathe, but he was scared to breathe out, as he wouldn't be able to breathe back in. He could almost feel the pulsing of the lines of his inheritance, basically trying to revive him before he dies yet. Harry's vision was going black, rather than the dark green, murky water it had been.

He was vaguely aware he was hitting something as he thrashed around, sinking further as he did. His arms and legs were moving less and less and Harry was trying to stay with it as things started fading away. His last moments of consciousness was him finally breathing out, still underwater.


There were 3 people petrified as everyone attacked the Basalisk, they were lucky and it had come to them. A few broken wands and weapons scattered the floors, only the non-goblin made weapons were broken, but those that were goblin made seemed to be working well, as the Basalisk had several gashes. Some people had taken the goblin made weapons from the petrified people. Remus was fighting without a weapon, but was doing a lot of damage.

Remus was livid about what happened to Harry, and was more than happy to take it out on the Basalisk that had caused the problem to begin with. Sirius was in charge of trying to make sure that Remus wasn't petrified.

"Lupin!" Natasha called, a large sword with rubies and other precious gems in the hilt, and red dyed leather wrapped around the handle, in her hands. It was obviously too heavy for her, as her arms were overextended trying to lift it up to carry it to Remus. "Use this, it's the sword of Gryffindor, goblin made."

Remus took it from her, lifting it with difficulty, but able to use it two handed in the same way with enough ease to be able to swing it at the Basalisk to cause more damage than any previous attack by anyone else.

The Basalisk opened its mouth, letting out a scream that was very unlike a snake. Remus jumped up behind it as it thrashed about, running up its back until he was standing on its neck just by its head. How he was managing to stay on despite the thrashing around of the Basalisk trying to shake him off, Sirius would never know.

Remus' eyes had a golden tint as he gave the Basalisk a cold glare, raising the sword of Gryffindor high, almost scaring Sirius with how angry he looked, he almost looked like he did when he was transformed before the Wolfsbane potion was an option. It was with a deafening scream from the Basalisk that Remus plunged the sword through its head.

It was a very loud thud that shook the whole hall that sounded as the Basalisk hit the ground, dead.

Remus stood for a moment, blinking as the gold disappeared from his eyes. He looked a little disorientated, and Sirius ran towards him as fast as he could, even dropping his wand in his urgency.

"Remus?" Sirius asked as Remus fell, falling from the back of the Basalisk into Sirius' arms who was standing on the floor. As he got no response he could only assume Remus passed out from exhaustion.

His wolf was extra draining when it wasn't the full moon, but in a situation as emotionally charged as this was going to have his energy almost completely drained, and now the danger threatening him and his pack was gone, his wolf relaxed.

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