Chapter 20

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"Minnie." Natasha called, her voice a calm that was obviously a lie as she was trying to not show her frustration and stress in front of everyone else, after all, she was the one in charge at the moment, so if she was worried, everyone would be.

"Tasha, what's wrong?" Minerva asked, knowing her wife too well to not pick up on the slight changes on her face.

"In my office." Natasha said, Minerva not arguing in the slightest as she followed Natasha to the Headmaster's office. "Harry got Predawn back, and found out where the Basalisk's lair is, but it needs a parselmouth to open it."

"Can we use another snake? One who isn't a familiar?" Minerva suggested.

"How are we supposed to control the random snake? Plus we would have to buy the snake and it will probably die which isn't really fair, after all, we're bringing a snake here pretty much to die when it could have had a life with a proper owner. It's not exactly like we have a lot of native snakes." Natasha sighed, her head in her hands.

"We obviously can't ask for Predawn, that went badly last time and wouldn't go much better." Minerva said.

"Which leaves us with Harry which would be just as disastrous." Natasha sighed, seeming to deflate.


"Sirius? Remus? What's the occasion?" James asked when the two men came through the fire, Lily having gone on a walk.

"I need you to be the mum friend, I'm no good at that." Sirius said, sitting Remus down beside James. "Remus is frustrated and stressed, and really rather too built up about it and I am not the one who can really deal with it."

"What happened?" James asked, fully turning himself to Remus.

"Harry got Predawn back and I got him to ask where Predawn was and how he got there. It was the Chamber of Secrets, and in order to get in you have to speak Parseltongue, so." Remus said, annoyed and scared.

"I completely understand why you're feeling like that." James said, although he was smiling the smile was very forced and his tone showed he felt the same way Remus did, but he knew he was the one who needed to be calming things down and it's not like he was going to be able to do anything else to help the situation.

"So, shall we brainstorm about possibilities to try to deal with this problem?" Sirius suggested, conjuring brightly coloured pens, glitter glue, stickers, and sugar paper to make the plans. He hadn't made a single pen that wasn't sparkly or brightly coloured at all, making Remus sigh, a little frustrated and feeling a little better, Sirius' secondary goal.

"Siri, are you 5?" Lily asked from the door, having just come back, not very surprised by the two other men being there, it wasn't too uncommon for them to drop by randomly when Harry wasn't with them. Of course, they would come by with Harry too, but those times were always planned so Harry wouldn't be too scared, and the visits didn't last too long.

"Why would it matter to you? I'm not your business." Sirius said, throwing his nose in the air dramatically.

"Whatever, I'm just getting myself a drink and going back out, just don't make too much of a mess." Lily sighed, walking past them and rolling her eyes as she went to the kitchen. "And if you do I'm not the one cleaning it."

"Make Remus a tea too, please?" James called after her.

"Wasn't going to put the kettle on, but fine, who else wants a drink?" Lily sighed, sticking her head back into the living room with the menfolk in.

"You got coffee?" Sirius asked.

"Only the instant kind, and it's decaf." Lily replied, looking through their cupboard even though there was still mostly the things she knew too well as they were the same things Dumbledore brought them regularly.

"That please." Sirius said, picking the sparkly, pink, strawberry smelling pen up and starting to write on the sugarpaper.

"James?" Lily asked as she put the kettle on, grabbing a glass for herself.

"I'm fine. Thank you Lils." James said, smiling brightly in the way that had always annoyed her in 5th year, because he was a jerk and had no right to look cute.

"Good, because I didn't put in enough water for you. The mugs are prepped, one of you deal with it when the kettle boils." Lily said, sweeping through the room with her glass of iced lime cordial. "Good luck on whatever you're planning, unless it's a prank, then I hope you get caught."

"Love you." James said, tilting his head up as she passed, hoping for a kiss that she did give him on the nose as she passed.

"What if one of us takes polyjuice potion to look like Harry?" Sirius suggested.

"We still wouldn't be able to speak Parseltongue, and I doubt the Basalisk would be fooled, it hasn't actually seen Harry." Remus replied almost instantly. "What if we get him to teach us how to say 'open' in Parseltongue?"

"Isn't it a telepathy based language? If we just copied the sound he made we could still just be making sound without saying anything." James shut that idea down, Sirius writing down every idea and crossing them out, leaving different stickers by them to indicate the level of chance they had at working, mostly focused on trying to make it look pretty.

"But if it's telepathy based would that even work for the entrance? I doubt it's a living thing so it might not have a mind, in which case Harry himself may not be able to open it as he might be too quiet when talking Parseltongue to it." Remus retorted.

"Predawn isn't very loud either, and they managed to open the chamber." Sirius pointed out, James and Remus still impressed he could pay attention to them while drawing as well as he did.

"They are more than capable of being louder and are louder than Harry." James pointed out. I was true, you would usually have to strain to hear Harry when he was talking to Predawn, but the hissing he got in response was much easier to hear.

"Well how about-"

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