Chapter 3

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Harry was glad that he wasn't in the group being sorted this year, he hated attention. He knew most, if not all, were still looking at or for him in the crowd, but he wasn't going to be called out in front of everyone. Draco was there to support him, and Pansy and Blaise mostly blocked everyone's view of him.

Ven and Melissa seemed to always sit next to the first years, to make sure they knew they were safe and accepted in this house. Other people may think Slytherin is an overly traditional house, who hates everyone different from the cookie cutter idea, and were all wanting to become Death Eaters.

While this may have been true a few decades ago, well, whatever the version of Death Eaters they had at the time, it hadn't been the case since muggles had stopped hating magic and killing those who used it. The Slytherins who did have family members who hated magic who made their life terrible because of it were taken care of and had several offers of people to stay with.

The only reason Harry hadn't had as many offers, was because he wasn't comfortable around most people, and had already stayed at Malfoy Manor, so if he was going to stay with a Slytherin, it would probably be Draco.

"Good evening, everyone, I hope you had a good trip here. This year will be different from the previous years, we have done a thorough search of the castle and anything that we thought could be dangerous has been removed. This being said, Hogwarts is not the easiest place to search everywhere, if you find anything that could be dangerous, please inform a member of staff." Natasha announced in front of the school. "We also have a new head of Slytherin, after Dumbledore's arrest, the rest of the staff were researched unconditionally, and Severus Snape was found guilty of abuse. Please welcome the previous Slytherin head; Mr Slughorn."

Everyone clapped, especially the students who had been worse harmed by Snape, and had heard about Slughorn from their parents, others were less enthusiastic, their parents not being one of the teacher's favourites.

When Harry met the new teacher's eyes, he felt a chill run down his spine. There was a look in Slughorn's eyes that made Harry uncomfortable, like he wanted to do something to something to Harry. It was even more uncomfortable when the man licked his lips, making Harry hide himself into Draco's shoulder.

"Harry, are you okay?" Draco whispered as Natasha continued giving the generic start of year introduction.

Harry didn't want to talk, but made a small, scared noise in response. He knew he never wanted to be alone with Slughorn, even if he didn't do anything, he felt like he was going to think about it or want it. Draco basically understood, wrapping Harry into a hug, continuing to block Harry from Slughorn and Slughorn from Harry.

"Masssssster, I ssssssssenssssse ssssssomething, may I invessssstogate?" Predawn asked, snaking their way so they could hiss directly into Harry's ear.

"Not now, Predawn." Draco whispered, making the snake back down reluctantly.


Draco and Harry slipped past the prefects to their dorm before Slughorn arrived, Harry too scared to be that close to him. Blaise and Pansy promised to tell them what Slughorn said, so they weren't going to miss anything.

Unfortunately, things often didn't go the way they wanted them to.

"Potter, boy, why are you and Malfoy hiding in here? Didn't you hear that we were all going to talk as I just came back?" Slughorn boomed, he had a similar body type to Vernon's, only instead of Vernon's pink, Slughorn had more orange undertones to his pale skin, round beady eyes that looked at Harry in an almost hungry way.

"Harry was tired, Pansy and Blaise promised to tell us everything tomorrow morning." Draco said, Harry shaking in fear and trying to hide behind him.

"Let the boy speak for himself." Slughorn said coldly. There was too much of a difference between the way he looked at the two boys, it made both boys uncomfortable. Snape wasn't a good person, and defiantly felt nothing positive towards Harry, but at least he hated everyone almost equally, and he never looked hungry while looking at children.

Harry shook his head, his face still buried in Draco's shoulder, gripping onto his robes as tightly as he could, his knuckles going pale.

"Harry can't and doesn't want to talk to you, professor. Respect him, as a teacher here you should already know about his condition." Draco said coldly, his pale eyes looking like never melting ice with fire trapped behind it.

"Fine, well anyway, Harry-"

"It's Potter to you, nobody told you you could use his first name." Draco interrupted coldly.

Slughorn fixed him with a cold, angry look before his twisted smile returned and he continued. "Potter, my boy, we should catch up, I taught your parents, Lily especially was a beauty, and a genius when it came to potions, it's a pity you didn't inherit more than her eyes, but I guess people can't choose a parent to look like."

The more Slughorn talked the more uncomfortable the boys became. The way he talked about Lily, and how Harry should have looked more like her made their skin crawl. You could rest assured Lucius would be hearing about this.

"Come to my office after classes tomorrow, alone." And with that, Slughorn left the room.

Harry continued to cling to Draco, the small trembles that had come from him while the man was still in the room were now much larger, tears forming in his eyes as he hid his face from Draco, holding onto the taller boy as tightly as he could, Draco pretending to not notice the damp spots forming on the blanket beneath them as he gently and carefully stroked Harry's back.

"Can we come in?" Melissa asked through the door, her request accompanied by a knock.

"Yeah, the door isn't locked." Draco called out after a moment, Harry's complete lack of response suggesting it wasn't something that would make his condition worse.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Ven asked, getting to them in about half a step even though the bed wasn't that close to the door, their voice was gentle but concerned.

"Don't let Slughorn near him, especially not alone." Draco said in stead of a proper response, his voice form and his eyes blazing that cold flame.

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