Chapter 18

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It was cold and damp, and the whole place was decorated with snakes. He was lying on his stomach and he was tired, barely able to keep his eyes open, even as the flames of healing danced around him, he would feel better for a moment, but then his energy was stolen from him again, his side was bleeding, a rather large tooth a little distance away, the tooth that had scratched him.

If he wasn't a snake then the poison would have killed him, but he was a snake, a familiar as well, so it couldn't kill him, but it was being used as a tool to take his energy to make the arrogant teen with red eyes who was currently pacing around the room, angry. His master had managed to avoid being taken here, so they couldn't use him...


Harry is the master, so who is this? Predawn?

As soon as that thought came to mind the flames burned larger and brighter, healing the wound and giving him enough energy to-

Harry sat up with a gasp, it had been only a few seconds ago for the others that his eyes had returned to their beautiful green colour he had inherited from Lily, but for him it was less than a second ago that he was Predawn. Where was that? It had to be in Hogwarts, but he had never seen that place before. He was a Slytherin, but even in the Slytherin common room there weren't that many snakes on display. And who was that teenager, was he angry because Harry wasn't there? What did he want with Harry? Was Predawn like that because of Harry? What was that... smell?

Harry flopped down, falling into Draco, who caught him with some difficulty, as he hadn't been expecting Harry to fall.

The healer, who still hadn't introduced themself, let out a sigh as they put the cork back on a small bottle. Walking forward calmly, they took Harry out of Draco's arms and lay him back down on the bed with calmness that almost seemed cold, and Draco was hoping very hard wasn't.

"What was that?" Sirius demanded, his lip curling in anger.

"Just a mild sedative, it only affects those with a phoenix inheritance or phoenixes." They said, putting the little bottle away and locking the draw it belonged in. "He will wake up in a minute most. Better this than let him continue hyperventilating and working himself into a panic."

"Please leave." Remus said, his voice quiet from the anger he was trying to keep in. Did this healer even actually care about Harry? They seemed to have gotten much colder after finding out Harry had a phoenix inheritance.

"As you wish." They said with an overly showy sarcastic bow to the man before leaving, their robes billowing in a way that reminded Draco of Snape. It was kind of sad the man was in Azkaban, but he had often put his parents on edge and he had been horrible to Harry, so Draco wasn't too sad.

Contrary to what the healer had told them, Harry woke up two minutes later, during which time Lucius had returned. Lucius was somewhat upset to find out all the time he had spend dutifully looking for the healer had been wasted as they had come to the room not long after he had left, but the freshly washed state of his hands made Narcissa laugh to herself, knowing he had not wasted the trip, even if he hadn't found the healer.

"Harry, are you okay? What happened?" Sirius asked, resting a hand on Harry's shoulder, gently stopping him from getting up.

"I think I was Predawn. Can you possess your familiar?" Harry asked quietly, feeling a little dizzy and not sure he knew where he was, his brain feeling a little scrambled and almost like cotton wool.

"It is possible, but it seems more like you were experiencing their thoughts and experience, which is more like legilimency." Lucius said, his tone more caring than he usually expressed, although you would have to know him well to pick up on it.

"It didn't smell good and I, uh... Predawn, was bleeding and kept getting my, their energy drained by the tooth to a guy with red eyes and dark hair. He looked angry, I don't want to be near him." Harry said quietly, he was clutching his hand together, but he was still trembling.

"How was Predawn when you woke up?" Draco asked, a little worried for Harry, moving forwards to hold his hands too, hoping to be able to give him at least a little comfort and reassurance if nothing else.

"A little better, we were trying to leave and then I woke up here and there was a weird smell." Harry said, his voice still quiet and shaky, he hoped Predawn was okay.

"Do you know where Predawn is, or was?" Narcissa asked, hoping she was being gentle enough.

Harry shook his head, he had never even heard of a place like he saw. He liked snakes mostly, not the ones that would whisper about killing in the zoo that time, but in general he liked them, he had no reason not to, but that room was too filled with vicious looking snake decorations for his liking.

"That's fine, we won't be going back to Hogwarts until the Basalisk has been dealt with, but there are still going to be people there, if they find Predawn they will be taken to our house, and we'll bring them here for you." Remus reassured Harry, although he didn't know who would be the one to find Predawn, hopefully they would be found before the hunt for the Basalisk was started, otherwise they may be reported to have gotten in the way.

"I can sense them again!" Harry said, loud for him, but still quieter than most, his eyes having an excited sparkle twinkling in them, which, along with Harry's words made everyone relived.

"That's great, Harry, where are they? I'll let one of the McGonagalls know to go collect them." Sirius said with relief.

"Um, Hogwarts, second floor." Harry said, but he was a long way from Predawn, so couldn't feel exactly where they were.

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