Chapter 4

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"I'll go tell Professor McGonagall, Ven, you stay by the door to make sure he doesn't come back in, make up anything, Harry, try to calm down, this will be dealt with and we won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise. Draco, help Harry calm down then write to your father, I don't think anything big can happen is all we have is Harry feeling uncomfortable, your father has the power to uncover other people." Melissa instructed when Draco had hurriedly explained the situation. Harry wasn't too hard to spook, but Draco rarely showed it when he was spooked, this really was something.

"Go." Ven said, walking to the door with Melissa, turning back before the door closed. "I'll be outside until Melissa comes back. We'll do more then, nobody except us, Predawn, Blaise and Pansy are going to get in without asking you first, I promise."

"It's okay, Harry, Professor McGonagall will make sure that you're okay, and father will make sure that we stay together." Draco assured Harry, pulling him in close for a hug.

Predawn was obviously concerned about Harry, but they knew Draco wouldn't let anything happen to Harry, and they had found something interesting they thought was interesting, and they wanted to check it out. Draco had told them to leave Harry alone, and they doubted Draco would be any happier with them asking now, so they just slipped out to explore themself without permission.


"Professor McGonagall!" Melissa called out, running up to the woman as she saw her, she was glad she wasn't in the Headmaster's office already because she didn't know the password.

"What's wrong? Did you find something in the Slytherin common room?" Natasha asked, worried, Slytherin had been one of the two places they had checked the most thoroughly, along with Gryffindor. It seemed Dumbledore wanted Harry in Gryffindor and have a rivalry with Slytherin, so both rooms being filled with his magic wasn't unlikely.

"No, but it is about Harry." Melissa told the woman, her eyes serious.

"Come into my office and explain." Natasha said, leading the way up to her office. The phoenix was still there, but no longer stuck only to the perch, but free to fly around as she pleased.

"So, Professor Slughorn, he seems to have an odd obsession with Harry, and has made both Harry and Draco extremely uncomfortable. He kept making comments about how disappointed he was that Harry doesn't look more like Lily, kept trying to make Harry talk, and tried to insist on the two of them being alone tomorrow. I don't know what he's planning to do, or if he's the same with other people, but Harry is afraid to be around him." Melissa explained, she knew she didn't know everything, but the two boys were very shaken up and something needed to be done.

"I see, I'll keep an eye on him to see if there's anything concerning, and start investigating him." Natasha said, sounding tired. It was easier to find a Potions Master than a Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, but it was rather difficult to find a head of Slytherin house.

Dumbledore had done an excellent job of royally screwing everything up while he was headmaster. He had gone out of his way to ostracise the Slytherin house, even causing a harsh ridge between the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, like he wanted all the Slytherins from that time have to fall to being a Death Eater. Natasha was glad McGonagall had stepped in before too long to fix the Slytherin Hufflepuff relationship before it got too bad. 

"Harry needs to not be around Slughorn, this includes classes, I highly doubt he won't try to corner him." Melissa pushed. She had a lot of respect for Natasha, she hadn't been close to Slytherin while spending her time at Hogwarts, but she was treating them all with care and respect in a way a lot of Slytherins hadn't previously experienced.

"I'll look for a tutor for Potter and Malfoy. In the meantime, they won't need to go to Potions lessons. I'll let the prefects of every house know to not let Slughorn near Potter." Natasha said. "Thank you for telling me about this, you can go back to the dorm now. If Potter has difficulty calming down get him a calming draught from Poppy."

"Thank you Professor." Melissa said with a bright smile, leaving the room.


"How are they?" Melissa whispered to Ven, most people had gone to bed by now, leaving only them and a few 7th years playing games of wizard chess and exploding snap.

"Pansy and Blaise stopped by earlier and said they were sleeping, What did Professor McGonagall say?" Ven whispered back.

"She's going to get them a Potions tutor, and they will be exempt from Potions lessons. She's going to keep an eye on Slughorn, and will let the prefects of each house to make sure he stays away from Harry." Melissa whispered, going back to her dorm after casting a one way locking charm on the door so they could open it themselves, but nobody could walk in on them.

"That's good." Ven whispered, the two of them walking to their own dorms.


Percy had just been informed of his duty as a prefect to keep Slughorn away from Harry, he honestly found it amusing, Slughorn was the head of Slytherin, last year they worked so hard to make it look like Harry completely trusted Slytherin, but clearly he didn't trust the house. Dumbledore was right.

"What's got you in a good mood?" Ron asked when Percy came back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Dumbledore was right, Harry must be being manipulated by the Slytherins, he's been living with Gryffindors and now the head of Slytherin isn't allowed near him." Percy said with a laugh, an evil grin spreading on Ron's lips too.

"Wouldn't it be so disillusioning for him to have a bad experience with the head of house? Surely he'll be able to break through from their manipulation and come to the light side where we can protect him if he goes through something bad if he's left alone with Professor Slughorn." Ron said with a laugh.

They weren't even trying to keep their conversation private, most people had gone to bed, and while Ginny was relaxing behind them, and didn't really agree with them, she wasn't going to stop them if they weren't being active. Percy had already forced Fred and George into their dorm, and they weren't able to make themselves invisible, at least not yet.

What they didn't know was that Neville was behind one of the sofas, looking for Trevor again. He didn't have a close relationship with Harry, but he felt a sense of comradeship with the other shy, small boy. Harry had also helped him find Trevor before, and he knew what it was like to be scared, the least he could do would be to try to give them a heads up.

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