Chapter 26

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"How are they?" Sirius asked, biting his nails. They hadn't moved Harry much after Sirius brought him back to Malfoy manor, only putting him into a bed and then using magic to clean him and change his clothes to clean, dry ones.

"Remus Lupin is fine, but Potter will need some potions this week, but will make a quite easy recovery. That being said his creature was shocked, so there may be times when he act irrationally in a way you're not used to seeing. In those cases only stop him if he's going to put himself in danger, otherwise it's best to let him do whatever it is his creature needs." Axol explained, mostly directing their answer to Narcissa who they usually dealt with as they're a little socially awkward, hence being a private healer.

"What kind of things can we expect him to do?" Narcissa asked, giving Sirius a glance, if he didn't stop biting his nails he was going to make himself bleed.

"Depends on his creature, although he will probably want to be close to the people most important in his life. If he were older then he would be going to his mate and it might be cause to keep them apart, even now he may go to the person destined to be his mate, especially if they're close, but there's no need to separate them or prevent them from being together. Otherwise he may just do things he wouldn't normally. The most important thing is to make sure he gets no physical injuries as that will increase the amount of time it takes for him to go back to normal. He may not remember what his creature has done, and if he doesn't sleep then one or two drops of this sleeping potion should work, but use it as little as possible." Axol said, handing a small, opaque bottle to Narcissa, although it wasn't visible due to having the cap on, it had a dripper top to make sure not too much was given.

"Thank you." Narcissa said with a sincere smile, she had a good relationship with Axol, they were one of the few people who knew of her relationship with Rem and supported the two of them. Of course, even with Axol's help things went horribly wrong.

"Of course, I'll be leaving now." They said, their social battery worn out for the day.

Sirius and Narcissa entered Harry's room, where he lay in the oversized jumper and tracksuit bottoms, although you couldn't really see them as the crisp but warm duvet was pulled up to his waist, his jumper creased from where it had been pulled up for the check up and then somewhat roughly tugged back down. His hair was still damp, but at the very least he was clean now, they could have him tell them what had happened when he was better.

Suddenly Harry's eyes snapped open, but they looked faded and almost crazed, it wasn't as heartbreakingly scary as when he was under the imperius curse, but it was still unnatural. Clearly this is what Axol was talking about when they said his creature may take control, Harry's eyes weren't empty, it more looked like there was some kind of veil between him and them.

"Harry?" Sirius asked, tentatively.

It didn't seem like Harry's creature could speak though as it let out a deafening scream like noise before rushing out the room, Sirius hot on his tails, worried Harry may trip and fall, and also curious about where he was going so desperately. Harry ran through the halls, knowing his way better than Sirius, who had only started visiting recently, and never actually received the tour.

Harry never seemed to stop, even as he tore open the door to Draco's room, the boy whose room it was jumping and looking up, starting to try to hide his potion making, only to belatedly realise it was Harry when the boy was already throwing himself at him. Sirius, stopping at the door, breathing heavily and panting like a dog as he tried to get his breath back.

"Harry?" Draco asked in shock, managing to catch himself before he fell into his potion, spilling its contents all over them, Harry grabbing tightly onto him like his life depended on it.

"Sorry, Draco, his creature got thrown off by what happened, and may take control randomly for a while, this is one of those cases. This may happen a lot." Sirius explained from the door. "We were told to let him do whatever he is unless it will cause him harm."

"Oh, okay." Draco barely acknowledged what Sirius said, paying more attention to Harry. After getting a hold of Draco everything but his arms and hands seemed to have gone limp, as though he was asleep again, but he wasn't showing any sign of letting go, not that Draco wanted him to. "I'll put him in his room."

"Alright, I'll let Cissa know and check up on Remus." Sirius replied, pretty sure he knew the way back, if not then he could always call on a house elf to lead him where he wanted to go.


While he had been taken back to the Lupin household, for most of the week Harry was at Malfoy manor both because whenever his creature took control he would either go somewhere high and look out, always terrifying Sirius, or he would cling to Draco like there was nothing else possible, and because Remus and Sirius had volunteered to help get Hogwarts back to a state where all the students could come back for lessons.

It had been an unspoken rule to never use Myrtle's bathroom anyway due to it being an unpleasant experience, but now it was out of bounds, not that Myrtle seemed to mind. She seemed to have realised how she had died, and while she wasn't too miserable about being a ghost, she still wasn't too keen on it happening again. The hallway there also had to be temporarily closed due to the Basalisk's blood being near impossible to clean, and somewhat toxic.

Of course, the fact it was only Draco that Harry's creature cling onto wasn't a fact missed by the adults.

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