Chapter 27

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"You ready, Harry?" Remus asked, looking back at the small boy, they were meeting the Malfoys there, and they had waited until Harry's creature had stopped taking control randomly to book a day with the schools Harry had liked most to look around to make sure he made the right decision.

Harry was wearing a pair of very faded, worn, blue jeans, bright green converse which were covered with drawings of snitches drawn using bleach. On his top half he was wearing a baggy long sleeve, dark blue top and a warm, blue, knitted cardigan, and on top everything he wore a forest green cloak with pale, soft fur lining the edges, It was a cloak Draco had gotten for him.

Sirius held his arms crossed over his torso, his leather jacket not as warm as it looked, especially as he was only wearing a tank top underneath, not that he would ever admit to being cold. He would say he was warm until his lips turned blue. Remus wore clothing very similar to Harry, except he didn't have a cloak and he wore warmer colours.

Harry stood between Sirius an Remus, holding one of their hands in each of his so they could apparate there. Harry hated apparition still, but if they didn't apparate it could well take a whole day to get there, and they were booked in to go around today.

"Harry!" Draco called with a bright smile, running over to the trio who just appeared, they were in the middle of a deserted group of trees, so no muggles to see, nor anyone else to watch Draco act like a normal child rather than the perfect pure blood he was at least supposed to be in public.

Harry didn't really respond, a little pale from feeling ill from the apparition, making him look pale. He still appreciated the hug though, not that Draco hugged him tight or very long, pulling away only a little and pushing some of Harry's hair out of his face, his large scar visible, making Harry pushing his hair back down to cover it. He hated his scar, although he knew many saw it as a badge of honour.

"Sorry, Harry, we should get going." Draco said, taking Harry's hand and squeezing it, leading the way out of the trees.

The magic school they were looking around today was rather dissimilar to Hogwarts, while both schools taught magic and were thus equipped with many spells to keep the students safe and keep the muggles away, but unlike Hogwarts which was designed to look like one of the many castles littered around the UK, this school was a mess of different building, none of which mixed well with the others, styles iconic of different time periods and class. What this could look like to muggles Harry had no clue.

The head teacher of this school was waiting for them at the front gate, and sent a cold glare towards Harry and Draco's interlocked hands, not that anyone caught it. Once they were nearing the edge of the trees, Draco made his face look like the perfect pureblood child, although he held Harry's hand tighter.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Maddison, but if you go here you'll call me Professor Wilkins." She introduced herself, smiling widely, a lot of teeth on show, her eyes showing a hint of an aquamarine glow that, again, none of them caught.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Remus Lupin, this is my husband Sirius Lupin, and this is Harry. We've already contacted you about him." Lupin said, giving Maddison a handshake, his eyes going a little dull for less than half a second.

"Narcissa Malfoy, my husband, Lucius, and our son, Draco Malfoy." Narcissa said, a little more coldly, also shaking hands and having her eyes go a little dull for a moment.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She said with a smile that Harry didn't like, not that he could explain why, turning her back to the group. "I'll be the one taking you around so you can decide if this is the right school for your child." 

Narcissa and Remus smiled, although their husbands remained more tentative, after all, Harry and Draco deserved a school where nothing went wrong and that they felt safe and happy attending. Draco was used to being in places he liked, and would probably react the worst to being somewhere he hated, where Harry would accept it with little to no complaint, even if he deserved the moon on a stick.

The tour itself was uneventful, they sat in the back of a couple lessons that seemed normal enough, but some of the teachers and students put Harry a little on edge, not that Harry could explain, and it seemed like Remus and Narcissa really liked the school. They spoke to a few of the best students there, some of them having eyes that looked dull and hollow, but those ones never stayed around to answer questions.

It was around lunch, the small group having food provided so they could tell what it was like there, that Lucius started deciding he really liked the school too. Harry didn't know why, the food was terrible compared to Hogwarts', the food the Malfoys ate daily, the food eaten in the Lupin household, and Harry dare say the food he cooked at the Durselys'.

The food was too dry, the meat far overcooked, losing most of its flavour, and making it tough and dry, sticking in between Harry's teeth with every mouthful. The vegetables had been boiled within an inch of their lives, tasting of nothing but water and probably doing very little good for them. All of this was not mentioning the suspicious smell from the plate of food that was about as unappetising as the breadcrusts Harry had snuck off Dudley's plate on one of the occasions the Dursleys had forgotten to give him food.

The drinks were warm, as though they had been left in the sun all day, and had a few suspicious chunks in, causing Harry, Draco, and Sirius to leave them. They all had the same drink, but a few had fizz, which was highly suspicious.

While this school too had houses and each house had prefects, it didn't seem like there were house common rooms, or any common rooms at all, there was just one building with rows and rows of doors that all looked the same, almost like it was a prison instead of a school.

Draco was overjoyed to find out that they still had Quidditch teams here, one of the few things divided by house, as the students in lessons seemed to be completely random on that account.


"What did you think of that school, Harry?" Sirius asked once they got home, Sirius' face a little pale, but nowhere near as pale as Remus' who was not only pale, but also seemed to be covered in sweat.

"It's amazing, don't you think." Remus answered for Harry, his eyes hollow, both Harry and Sirius looking at him in concern, but as Sirius wasn't looking at his eyes he didn't notice it.

"I was asking Harry, but, Moony, are you alright? You look ill. Was it the food?" Sirius asked, getting to Remus in only a few, quick strides, pressing the inside of his wrist to Remus' forehead.

"I'm fine, the food was great. Harry, I think you should absolutely go there." Remus said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes as he looked at Harry, who shrank back into himself a little.

"Moony, you're clearly not fine. Go to bed, I'll bring the sick bowl and call a healer." Sirius said, ignoring Remus' words and taking his strained smile as being caused by the pain he was in or because he felt ill.

'I'ᒪᒪ GO Iᖴ TᕼᗩT'丂 ᗯᕼᗩT YOᑌ ᗯᗩᑎT' (I'll go if that's what you want) Harry wrote, his handwriting having gotten significantly neater, although his hands were trembling. 

"Excellent." Remus said cheerfully, before the hollow smile dropped, and he let Sirius take him to their room.

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