Chapter 2

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---------------- Chapter 2 ----------------

Y/n's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring and I aimlessly try turning it off without getting up. The phone falls and continues blaring the alarm. "ughh" I groan and find the phone turning off the alarm and yawn while stretching and crawl out of bed and stand up putting my gloves on to not disintegrate anything. 

"y/n! come down, I made breakfast!"

 After the incident, Amaya moved in with me to make sure i'm not too lonely and I got into UA through recommendations. Today is the first day of classes so i'm kind of excited but i'm more nervous than anything.

I walk to the bathroom and wash my face and go downstairs to eat. "Morning Amaya" I say still really tired. "morning hun, did you stay up late last night?" you hesitantly nod and wait for a mini lecture but it doesn't come. "gotcha, as long as you do well at school today, that's all I ask, oh and I'm gonna drive you so you don't have to walk, ok?"

 "Yeah, thanks" She really is a good person, she's like a second mom to me. 

she smiles brightly and goes to put the food on plates. "I made an omelet and some bacon for breakfast, enjoy!" she smiles and puts 2 plates down and I start eating. 

We talk about a few random thing while we eat and I get up and wash the dishes for us and go back upstairs to get ready. 

I take a nice, hot shower and brush my teeth. Once I got back to my room I packed my backpack and get my uniform on and put my hair in f/h. (favorite hairstyle)

Amaya knocks on the door and you open it and she hugs me tightly. "Good luck hun" I smile and hug her back just as tight. 

I get in the car and she drive to the front of UA and take a deep breath "don't worry, you'll be fine" I tell myself quietly while getting out and walking towards the school. I wave to Amaya as she drives off and start to find my classroom, 1-A. 

I make it to the class and see a spiky blonde-haired boy sitting at his desk and a tall blue-haired boy waving his arms in sharp motions and telling the blonde to get his feet off of the desk. "You're disrespecting school property!" "Did your old school shove a stick up your ass or were you born with it?" 

I quietly walk to your desk and sit down pulling out headphones and turning on some music. 

Suddenly someone taps my shoulder and I take out an earbud out only to hear someone yell "OI SHITTY DEKU, DON'T IGNORE ME!!"

I look up and see a green-haired boy. "hm?"

"I asked you a question"

"I apologize I didn't hear your question, could you repeat it?" I say as politely as possible.

"I asked if you were the daughter of the pro hero venom?" 

my eyes widen at the use of my mother's pro hero name and nod and he pulls out a notebook and writes something down.

"why did you ask about my mother?" I ask in a quiet voice but loud enough for him to hear it. 

"oh, well I love researching heroes and your mother was one of my favorite heroes!" he says smiling brightly. "o-oh I should introduce myself, um i'm Izuku Midoryia"

"y/n l/n, nice to meet you Midoryia could I tell her that she was one of your favorites?"

The boy nods and walks to his desk and I put my phone away as the teacher comes in, in a yellow sleeping bag. I smile recognizing him as Pro Hero: Eraserhead. 

He looks around the room and introduces himself as our teacher: Mr. Aizawa and to go get changed into the PE uniforms and meet him on the training fields. 

"l/n stay back for a second" he says as everyone starts leaving and I walk up to him. 

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