Chapter 6

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---------------- Chapter 6 ----------------

you freeze and stare at him with wide eyes not saying anything. "your disintegrating quirk, where do you think you got it from? you got it from me"

"n-no, your lying, there's no way..."

you attack him with more fire power than you have and he suddenly gets shot in the legs as pro hero Snipe shot both of his legs and Kurogiri drags him behind a portal so you cant get to him.

Bakugo notices you having a blank face staring at where Shigiraki was. "y/n, what's wrong?"

Kirishima is off trying to find the others so its just you and him and you break down and fall on your knees on the ground holding your chest and trying to breathe.

"There are villains trying to surround us, ill get them and you focus on breathing, im right here y/n" Bakugo says while attacking the villains and after they're down he kneels down in front of you and hugs you. "its gonna be ok, what happened?" "s-s-shigiraki I-is my f-father, my mom w-wouldnt let me talk about who m-my father was, and I-i know why now..."

Bakugo's eyes widen and he holds me tighter. The pros handle the situation and Bakugo carries me over to the others and sets me down worried about me.

After everyone is safe and gets back to the school, I sit at my desk back in my school uniform and try blocking out any thoughts with music.

Recovery girl notices that everyone else has already gone home for the day and she walks over to me and taps my shoulder. "hm?"

"l/n you seem very off, what's wrong" I look up at her and try not to be rude.

"nothing much, just figured out my entire existence was a fucking mistake because my mom had a one night stand with the leader of the league of fucking villains, and I cant do anything about it because she is in a fucking coma because of him!"

She looks at me and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Sweetie I don't know what to do for you right now, since my quirk helps physical damage and m=not mental all I can offer you is a hug and I can help you go find Amaya."

I nod and stand up grabbing my things and I hug her, "thanks" she nods and walks off to go find Amaya. I follow behind and see Amaya waiting by her car, "y/n! I was so worried" she hugs me as well and you just let her hug you and then get in the car.

She thanks Recovery girl and then gets in the car as well and drives home. "y/n, what do you want for dinner hun? I know its been a rough day."

"pizza and could we watch a movie?" "sure hun" she gives you a warm smile and orders the pizza as soon as we get home.

I go upstairs, wash my face and put on a hoodie with some shorts and I head back downstairs to sit at one of the stools next to the kitchen island.

The pizza comes and Amaya brings the pizza over to the counter and sits on the other side. "eat up, I got f/p" (favorite pizza) "thanks Amaya"

"of course hun, now we need to talk about something. recovery girl told me about something and now I need to know the truth, ok?" "sure..?" "ok good, now I heard that you are getting closer to the Bakugo kid we saw at the store a couple days ago, is he or is he not your boyfriend?"

you look at her shocked "no no no we're just friends, y'know teaching me to cook and stuff" "ok ok I get it, but you do like him don't you?"

"well I haven't really thought of it, but he is cute, idk maybe" "heh ok anyways, what movie do you wanna watch tonight?"

"oh, what about the new Cruella De Vill movie?" "sure hun, I'll set it up"

As the night goes on you slowly try to forget about the events that happened earlier and you relax on the couch slowly falling asleep.

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