Chapter 15

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---------------- Chapter 15 ---------------

The week of internships ends and I pick up my stuff from under my seat on the train and head back to my house to relax before school starts back tomorrow. I see Amaya looking down at her phone and then she notices me and hugs me tightly.

"oh my god I missed you!" she says and I chuckle "I missed you too" I speak a bit quieter "is there any news on mom's condition..." she sighs and pats my head "no there hasn't" I bury my head in her chest and tear up a bit. "could we go home?" "sure hun, you gotta tell me all about your internship!" she tries to lighten the mood a bit. "it was good, I learned alot and on the first day, I saved a few people." she smiles softly as we get to the car. "that's great! im proud of you hun!" I smile a bit and get in the passenger seat. "oh your license came in the mail so you can drive legally now" I nod and get distracted by the passing trees and city.

We get home and I get a few texts from friends answer most of them before I get a text from Katsuki.


Katsuki: hey idiot, my mom wants you to come over soon

me: aw alright, ill let you know!

Katsuki: whatever, dont take too long to respond it pisses me off

I set my phone down and put the recipes Mrs. Arya gave me in a small box and then go back downstairs to help Amaya with dinner.

We talk for a bit and I go to bed soon after.

~the next morning~

I get up and get ready for school, putting my hair up and putting my uniform and gloves on.

I head to school, meeting up with mina and gossiping about some general studies drama. We get to class and I sit in my normal seat behind Katsuki and out of the corner of my eye I see Sero and Kiri still giggling about his hair, matted down from the gel Best Jeanist used, when he first walked in.

As the class gets settled in Mr. Aizawa gets up stands at the podium at the front of the class. "Good to see you all made it back alive. I hope you all learned valuable lessons, but its time to focus on exams. You have 2 weeks until them, there's a written portion and a practical exam that the details to will be kept a secret until the day of the practical"

Everyone groans and he goes over the general subjects to study up on and then goes back to sleep. I hear Katsuki speak up saying, "Y/n and shitty hair are studying with me" I nod as few others go over to Momo to ask for help.

Kirishima comes over "Are we going to your house or somewhere else?" "my house obviously dumbass" "ok, are we going right after school or later?" "Stop asking so many damn questions!! After school obviously" he nods and sits back at his seat

"hey Katsuki, I got a few recipes from the chef on my internship, wanna try them out?" I ask hoping he'll say yes. "depends what they are, but sure bring them tomorrow, you still have to come over again soon for dinner, the old hag doesn't stop asking about you" I smile and nod "sure why not" I go back to my notes as he does the same.

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