Chapter 13

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---------------- Chapter 13 ---------------

3rd Person POV

As the leaves start turning shades of reds, oranges, and yellows everyone gets ready for their internships with the pros. Y/n and the rest of her classmates go to the train station and get on their respective trains. After a long train ride and a few short naps y/n gets to the agency Mirko runs. 

Mirko welcomes her into the building and gives her a tour of the agency. 

Your POV

As Mirko takes me on a tour, I watch her sidekicks in awe and she takes me to her office. "here sweetie, we have a schedule set up for the week. ill go over it with you if you have any questions" she says and I nod as thanks. "all right for today we don't have much, we have a night time patrol tonight but after that its just some paperwork and then you'll go to your room I have set up for you to stay in this week. which reminds me, lets go get you settled in." she smiles and stands up motioning for me to follow her. I get up and she leads me to a small room at the end of the hallway.

 "there are snacks in the cabinet and a kitchen downstairs. Normally we have dinner made by Arya, so be down in the lobby around 7pm. But after you set up in here, follow the signs and meet me in the training room for a light workout." She pats my head and leaves me to set up. 

The room looks so big now that i'm the only one left in the room, its a bit stressful, everything that Mirko said at once, its a lot to process. I look around the room and my breathing quickens and I start moving around the furniture. Once im happy with the results I open the window to get some fresh air and I sit on my bed and text Katsuki.


Me: hey Katsuki

kat: what do you want?

me: just wanted to see if you were doing alright at Best Jeanist's agency

kat: im fine, he keeps putting gel in my hair and its gonna stop spiking up 

me: haha im sure it'll be fine Katsuki, anyways I gotta get to training, talk to you later!

He left me on read and I put on a tank top and some shorts and head out following the signs to the training gym. I open the door and see Mirko stretching. "excuse me, im here for the workout" she smiles. "start stretching we'll get started soon" I nod and start stretching. 

After a few minutes she explains what were doing during this "light" workout. if this was a light workout i'm scared to know what a normal workout is. After about an hour of this workout i'm sweating and breathing heavily. "we're done for now, go take a shower, and meet in the lobby for dinner." I nod and head back to my room and take a long hot shower and relax for a bit.

During my shower I start thinking about random things and Katsuki comes to mind. I blush a bit just thinking about him. He's trying so hard to be the best hero he really doesn't take time to just relax, his arms always look tense when he's carrying those huge gauntlet grenade things on his wrists. I don't think he's ever given the chance to just relax, maybe the next time he teaches me to cook something new ill make him just watch instead, maybe then he'll be able to take a break.

the water starts running cold and I shiver as I step out and get dressed before going down to the lobby a few minutes early playing on my phone to pass the time.

I beat another one of the bosses in my game and Mirko comes down in casual clothes and takes me to the lunch room where everyone else is. She introduces me to the rest of her team and the lady named: Arya hands me a plate of orange chicken and I think back to when Katsuki taught me to make it. "Mrs. Arya, could I have the recipe for this?" she smiles sweetly "of course darling!" "thank you ma'am" she nods and serves everyone else their food. I sit next to Mirko and a few of her sidekicks introduce them to me. One sidekick was a girl that just graduated from UA, she was my favorite, other than Mrs Arya of course she makes great food. 

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