Chapter 4

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---------------- Chapter 4 ----------------

~After school timeskip brought to you by ushijima "you should've come to shiritorizawa"~

I walk out and see Amaya's car with her standing in front of it. "hey hey hey y/n!" "hello Amaya" I smile and wave to her and she gets in the car and I get in afterwards.

"sooooo how'd it go?" "it was ok, Shota is my teacher which is kinda nice." "that's great hun, do you wanna go see your mom while I go run some errands?" "sure, but I wanna go to the grocery store with you" she nods and drives to the hospital, I check-in, and walk up to see my mom.

"hey mom, I started UA today and it was cool. Shota is my teacher, he asked about you and Amaya and I told him you're still in the stable state. I met a boy named Izuku Midoryia and he said that you were one fo his favorite heroes before the incident. Todoroki, Endeavor's son is in my class as well, he's still quiet as usual. Oh yeah there is a hothead blonde guy in my class, his name is bakugo, and he is annoying but it seems like that's just how he is constantly. He genuinely wants to be the number 1 hero one day and I can tell he'll be a good hero if he calms down a bit. I sat with a few boys and a girl named Mina Ashido, she has oink skin and black eyes with yellow colored part, sorry I forgot what they were called. She was really nice and the boys names' were Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari. Bakugo sat with us as well , but Kaminari has an electricity quirk and I thought about him being in the medical course because he can shock people back to life like and AED...."

after an hour Amaya walks in and smiles "hey hun, wanna go to the grocery store still?" I nod and get up after saying goodbye to my mom and walked with Amaya until we got to the store.

"I know you wanna find some new hot sauce to try so go on ahead, ill be in the produce section"

I agree and walk to the hot sauce shelf and look through the options and try to find the new ones "can you move so I can get some too" I move and notice that it's the angry blonde boy from class.

"oh, my bad, wait Bakugo right?"

"yeah and what about it?"

"i'm in your class, you like spicy food?"

"I know extra, spicy food is the best, of course I like it"

I nod and look back at the options and spot the newest and "hottest" hot sauce. I grab a bottle of it and another bottle of your favorite one. He looks at me and smiles. "that's the hottest one y'know that right?"

"wait really, its not even that spicy?!" his smile turns to a shocked face. "what do you mean its not that hot?!" you tilt your head confused. "its not that hot...?" you repeat. He tch's and grabs a bottle of it as well and explains why its the hottest.

While he's explaining I ask out of nowhere. "could you teach me to cook?" he freezes and thinks it over. "Sure, just dont be late and give me your number so I can text you the details.

I nod and give him my number and Amaya comes back. "Hey y/n I got the vegetables and meat, oh who's this?" she says while smirking.

"this is Bakugo, he's in my class and he's gonna teach me how to cook because you get to distracted when every time you try to teach me."

"nice to meet you Bakugo, i'm Amaya, y/n's temporary legal guardian." She holds out her hand to shake and he takes it and shakes her hand. "likewise Amaya-san" he says trying to be polite.

Bakugo waves to me and walks off to go home and I smile and put the hot sauce in the basket and we pay for everything and go home.


Hey l/n its Bakugo

y/n l/n

Hello Bakugo

y/n l/n changed ***-***-**** to Bakugo


let me know when you're free and I'll see if I can teach you that day

y/n l/n

ok, thanks, I will figure it out and send you some days

an hour later

y/n l/n

i'm free this weekend


ok thanks, we can do the first lesson this weekend then, don't be late.

I'll send you my address on Friday

y/n l/n

Alright, see you tomorrow Bakugo


yeah, cya

End of conversation

I put my phone down and talk with Amaya as she starts making dinner. We eat soon after and I go upstairs and get ready for bed.

Teach me... (Bakugo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now