Chapter 26

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---------------- Chapter 26 ---------------

After breakfast I go back upstairs to see if Katsuki left anything and I get his shirt. "Hey you left your shirt" I hear him come in the room. "Keep it, I'll get it back later" he smirks and I set the shirt down and go over to him. "Let's get going then" he nods and follows me out "I'll be back later, I'm gonna walk with katsuki!" I yell down to mom and Amaya as we walk out the door.

As we're walking I feel his hand slip into mine. I blush a bit and look at him who has a light pink hue on his face. "Mina and Kirishima got together after she left yesterday" he nods "dunce face owes me $5" I chuckle and squeeze his hand "On the first day of school I bet kirishima and Mina that they would get together before exams and now they owe me $10 each" he smirks "nice!" I smile and we get to his house, "do you mind if I come in for a bit, I wanna talk to your mom." He nods and leads me inside

"Y/n!!" A cheery voice yells and I look up and see Mitsuki. "Hey, I need to talk to you about something" she gets serious. "Of course, is everything alright?" "Yeah everything's fine it's good news I promise" she smiles and sits at the table and I sit on the other side. "Ok so my mom woke up from her coma yesterday and she asked about you. She said you 2 were best friends back in highschool" Mitsuki chuckles. "I'm so glad she's awake. Is she still in the hospital getting discharged or is she home?" "She's home now, if you wanna come over and catch up, let me know!" She nods "thank you sweetie, I'm glad my son has a girl like you. I blush "what do you mean?" "I told her already, she wouldn't stop nagging about it" Katsuki says. "Ohh ok, well I'm glad I have him to" I smile and Katsuki looks away covering his mouth.

After that I kiss Katsuki's cheek and get up to leave. "Hey dummy, be safe" he says as were walking to the door. "Babe. Ill be fine, im headed to a record shop my grandmother owns." He nods "still be safe" I smile and waves as I walk towards the record shop.

On my way there I get the notion that someone is following me. I turn the corner a few times and its still there so I hide around a corner and wait for the person to reveal themselves. I hear them getting closer and they see me around the corner and I freeze.

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