Chapter 7

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---------------- Chapter 7 ----------------

When I get into class I notice Bakugo looking at me and I shrug it off and go sit down and put my head on my desk.

Mr. Aizawa comes into the classroom fully bandaged up. "good morning class, I have an announcement"

the class starts bombarding him with questions like "are you ok?" "should you be here right now?"

He sighs and quiets everyone down "my health is not important at the moment, but we have the UA Sports Festival in 2 weeks to look forward to."

"should we really be doing the sports festival right after we were attacked, is that really safe?" Mineta points out

"UA thinks its a good idea because it'll show the villains that one attack won't affect us that much." Mr. Aizawa states plainly.

The rest of class was spent talking about plans for training and a couple other things. The bell for lunch rang and me and Kirishima head to the cafeteria to sit with the others: Bakugo, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero.

"Hey guys" I smile and wave towards the others. "Hey y/n, glad you're ok after what happened" Mina says. "mm thanks, i'm glad you guys made it out safe"

I notice Bakugo isn't glaring much today and looks worried if I had to describe it. He looks at me and smiles a bit and looks back at his plate before someone notices. "y/n, your training with me these next 2 weeks" he says "sure, I don't mind " I look up at him and smile.

Mina whispers to Sero and Kaminari "$20 Bakugo and y/n are gonna get together by the end of the semester." Sero smirks "$25 She'll end up with Kirishima" Denki gasps "oooo $25 I can get them together myself" he says confidently.

"What're you shitty extras talking about!" Bakugo yells "Heh quiet down Bakugo, they're probably betting on something again." He quiets down and the other 4 look at me shocked. "what?" "no one has been able to make Bakugo stop yelling that easily." Sero says still shocked. I rub the back of my neck shyly. "well I guess I can."

After lunch everyone goes to the rest of their classes and heads home for the day. "Oi y/n, wait up!" I turn around and see Bakugo so I stop walking. "wanna come over to my house tonight to train and learn to cook?" "let me text Amaya to ask but im sure she'll say yes." A voice comes around the corner and its Amaya. "no need hun, you can go over to his house, just let me know when you're gonna be home." "ok then, well Bakugo lets go!" he bows slightly and I say goodbye to Amaya and we walk to his house.

"hey Bakugo?" "hm, what's up y/n?" "thanks, for sticking close to me during the attack" "oh yeah, of course. It felt like the right thing to do for you." "ahh gotcha thanks again" by now we've made it to his house and he opens the door and yells.

"im home old hag!" "You br- oh who's this" the lady's tone softens as she notices me. " hi ma'am, sorry for the intrusion. Bakugo invited me to train for the sports festival."

"oh please call me Mitsuki, welcome to our home, I apologize but my husband isn't home right now, but please come in" I take off my shoes and hear Bakugo whispering to his mom. "is she your girlfriend?" "no, what the fuck you hag!" "it was just a question, now shut we're going upstairs. cmon y/n"

We walk upstairs and I look around his room "its so clean..." "what do you mean, this place is a mess!" "what! no this is near perfection holy shit, I would think that it would be messy due to your quirk and personality." "I cant deal with a messy room it pisses me off!" "gotcha, anyways where is the bathroom I still need to change." "down the hall first door on the left" "Thanks"

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