Chapter 19

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---------------- Chapter 19 ---------------

After another hour Mina and Kirishima head out and go home, so now it's just me and Katsuki. I start getting sleepy and he notices and looks at me. "Sleep dumbass" I nod, too tired to argue and fall asleep still on the ground but leaning against my bed in a ball. Katsuki pulls a blanket over me and I relax into it as he goes ahead of what we were supposed to study.

Amaya comes in to tell us there is food and ses me asleep. "There is food if you're hungry, i'll wake-" "no, i mean she just fell asleep, i'd rather her sleep." she nods. "Oh and i'm not supposed to say anything but dont you dare play with her feelings. I may not be her real mom, but I care about her like my own daughter." he nods nervously. "Yes ma'am, but what do you mean by play with her feelings'" she tilts her head confused. "Don't you have a girlfriend, or at least another person you like?"

He shakes his head. "No I don't, why would she think that?" Amaya shrugs. "Anyways if you wanna come down to get food you can, or you can bring it up here just don't spill." he nods and looks at my sleeping figure before getting up and following Amaya downstairs. He gets some food, says thank you, and heads back upstairs thinking about what I could mean by "someone else."

I wake up slightly from the smell of food. "Go back to sleep, you need it" he says and I shake my head being stubborn and wake up fully and go downstairs to get some food myself. I come back upstairs with Bullet trailing behind me and I set my food down on the table and look at Katsuki.

"Hey" "what is it?" he asked, already seeming annoyed by whatever I have to say. "What is your and Kai's relationship?" he realized something and thinks so this is what she meant.

He thinks for a second and responds. "She clings to me like a parasite, her quirk makes it so I can't push it off, she just gives me free massages sometimes that's it" I nod and process the new information. So they are acquaintances . I look back at my food and start eating. "Whyd you ask a stupid question like that?" I shrug. "Just curious"

He looks up at me and brushes it off to deal with later. "Wanna sleepover?' I blurted out of nowhere. "Sure" he says and I look up at him. "Hm why no sarcastic remark lord explosion murder." I say mocking his choice of hero names that got rejected to get a reaction out of him. He growls under his breath. "Tsk, whatever idiot"

I smile and head to one of the spare rooms and I got some extra clothes for Katsuki. "Hey if you need clothes to sleep in, wear these." he nods and takes them and goes to the bathroom to shower and change into the spare clothes.

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