Chapter 27

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---------------- Chapter 26 ---------------

I freeze seeing the man and recognizing him immediately. "What do you want?" I glare up at his taller form. "Just wanted to visit my daughter after her mother woke up from that oh-so terrible coma"  I thinks to myself. *how does he know about the coma? That wasn't put out to the media yet* he smirks "youre probably wondering how I know that and its because I have eyes and ears everywhere. I also know youre going out with the hotheaded explosion boy from your class." All anyone that would walk by would see a normal conversation between father and daughter. But with my eyes glossed over in rage I start attacking him punching and kicking wherever I can. "Get. Away. From me and my friends." He eventually stumbles away and leaves grumbling and mumbling something under his breath. I fix my shirt up and head to the record shop finally. I open the door and look around for my grandmother.

"Mama?" "Oh y/n sweetie, how are you doing today?" "Im ok mama, how are you and the shop" she smiles "im just fine, a young man stopped by earlier with the pink girl you hang out with sometimes. They were a cute couple" I smile and sit down at the table with her. "Mother woke up yesterday, she's at home for the next few weeks, but if you wanna see her ill bring you over whenever." Her eyes fill with tears "my daughter?... is awake?" I nod and hug her "she's awake" "I have to go see her." you will,  I walked though so I didnt bring the car. "Oh no dear, im too old to drive so you can use my car." I smile as she hands me the keys. "Here, now cmon I wanna talk to my daughter" she says and walks to the passenger side of the car, and I open it for her and close it behind her before getting in the car myself.

I drive to the house and help mama out of the car and into the house. "Mom?" I hear my mother say as she comes downstairs hearing the door open. "Oh my sweet baby, come give your mother a hug. You go into a coma for 2 years and I have to hear from your daughter that youre awake? I raised you better" she tears up and hugs my mother. "Im sorry I didnt go to you first" mama holds her daughter tightly and Amaya comes down as well. "Welcome home mama and y/n" she says and joins the hug pulling me in as well for the group hug.

"Y/n, could you go get the box in the back of my car?" I nod and take the keys to mama's car and I get the box. I come back inside and set it down on the table "mama? What's in the box?"  She opens it revealing pictures and the dried flowers. "Memories" is all she says before digging through the box pulling out a perfume bottle and handing it to my mom. My mom tears up and takes it handling it with great care. "Mom this is.." "yes, it's the perfume bottle you kept leaving at the shop before you went into the coma, it was your favorite scent" she smiles and they hug and I can tell Amaya feels a bit out of place and I look up at her. "Amaya, do you wanna have a sleepover tonight?" She smiles and ruffles my hair. "Sure hun"

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