Chapter 23

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---------------- Chapter 23 ---------------

After the tests are done, I smile and look at her. "Hey mom, I haven't told you about my internship with Mirko." she smiles and thinks back to a time when they partnered up. "How did that go hun?" I ramble on about the whole internship as my mother listens carefully. "Hey pumpkin"she waits till I stop talking. "I love you"

"I love you to mom." She smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Im sorry I was out for so long, I didnt want to miss out on so much." "I-its ok, as long as youre ok"

Over the 2 years of seeing my mother it got easier and easier to talk to her. I only came 2 times during the first few months because it hurt too much to see her unconscious. I was thankful for Amaya being there for me over the years, and now that my mom is awake everything should go back to normal, right? No that's not gonna happen, before my mom went into the coma, she was strict. She didnt really let me have much of a childhood and I didnt really appreciate the fact that if I didnt have her as a strict mom, I wouldn't have become a hero. She never pressured me into things unless they were for my own good. Training was never required but once I started enjoying it it wasn't a chore anymore, she's a great mom to have, but Amaya was there for me and it was a big change for me. They have different ways of "teaching" per say. I love them both and I was really lucky to have Amaya care for me over the past 2 years.

"mom, I have some more news." she nods "what's up?" "I got my driver's license a few weeks ago and we also have a cat named bullet." she ruffles my hair and kisses my forehead. "I cant wait to meet bullet, is it a boy or a girl" "bullet is a female, and she's gonna be happy to meet you. She sleeps in my room most nights or she sleeps downstairs in a cat bed facing the door." she nods and smiles "cute, I won't be able to go home until tomorrow, but go ahead and bring Katsuki back in, I wanna get to know my daughter's boyfriend." I nod and go outside and motion for him to come in.

"Katsuki?" "yeah?" he looks up from his phone. "my mom wants to see you" I hold out my hand for him and he puts his phone up and takes my hand as I lead him into the room and my mom looks at him and gets serious. "Hello Katsuki, tell me about yourself, my daughter seems to have fallen for you and if you break her heart then you're dead." he nods now fully scared of my mother. "I nudge my mom "hey stop you're scaring him" she looks at me and smiles innocently "good" I back off and sit on the stool as they talk.

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