Chapter 25

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---------------- Chapter 25 ---------------

We watch a few movies and I start getting tired and fall asleep on Katsuki's shoulder. I get up to go to sleep but cant since I notice Katsuki is already asleep and he is holding my waist tightly. I smile and pay with his hair a bit "Hey we gotta move to the bed" I whisper and he mumbles something quietly and doesn't move. "Dummy" I get up, slipping out of his arms and I lay down on the bed. He whines and moves so he's next to me and wraps his arms around me again, cuddling me. I smile, kiss his cheek and fall asleep soon after.

~timeskip to the next morning~

Katsuki's POV:

I get up realizing I slept in later than I planned, I thought about getting up but seeing y/n next to me made me want to stay and cuddle her. I put my arms back where they were pulling her closer. I smile and look at her relaxed and sleeping face. She yawns and rolls over into my chest and wakes up "mmm" she hums and looks at me. "Morning sleepyhead" "morning boom boom boy" she smiles and closes her eyes again. "Oi dont go falling asleep on me again, I dont wanna wake you up later. "Then let me sleep" "no because I gotta go home later and I won't be able to move if I stay here." She giggles God that was cute... I think and smile at her and sit up pulling her on my back and carrying her downstairs. "Morning you 2" Amaya says and I notice y/n's mom at the table. I try to put y/n on a chair but she clings to me. "Y/n you gotta wake up" I whisper to her she mumbles something and rubs her eyes and looks at her mom tiredly "hi mom" she puts her head down for a second and looks back at her mother. "M-mom what are you doing here?" She smile and drinks the cup of coffee Amaya probably made. "Amaya came by this morning to pick me up after I got discharged." Y/n nods and stretches. "Welcome home mom, Katsuki you can put me down now" I nod as I et her down and she walks over to her mom to give her a hug.

Y/n's POV:

My feet touch the cold tile on the ground and I go to hug my mom and she ruffles my hair. "Katsuki I hope you kept true to your promise of not trying anything last night." "He didnt try anything, im 16 you dont have to worry about me as much." She chuckles "that's even more of a reason for me to worry about you." I pout and walk to the kitchen and see the little box of recipes on the counter. "Mom, did you go through my room?" She nods "I originally wanted to see if you were awake but you weren't and the box had some cards in it so I looked at the recipes on them and brought them down." "Oh yeah, those are from my internship, these were the recipes I wanted to make with Katsuki at some point" I say rubbing the back of my neck waiting for a reaction from him "sure, whenever you want, mrs. l/n my mother asked me to ask you if you would like to come to dinner soon, y/n was just going to go with me but my mom would enjoy it if you and Amaya came as well" her eyes light up "of course! I haven't seen my best friend from highschool in years!" I look at her "best friend?" She nods "me and Mitsuki thought we were the shit back then, haha! It was great, the boys were all dying to get out numbers but we ran that school together like the girl bosses we were haha!" She chuckles reminiscing about her highschool days"

I smile listening to her story and I go back upstairs to change into casual clothes instead of the clothes I slept in. After I change I head back downstairs to eat breakfast. Katsuki whispers to me, "hey dumbass, after this I gotta go home." I nod "ok, want me to walk with you?" He nods "yeah, I gotta tell you something" I smile and start eating quietly as my mom and Amaya catch up over stuff from the past 2 years.

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