Chapter 12

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---------------- Chapter 12 ---------------

After dinner Bakugo asks if you wanna go upstairs to look at the stars and I nod and follow him as Amaya shares more with Mitsuki.

We get upstairs and he leads me up to the attic which is decorated to be a hangout nook with a skylight to see the stars, He opens the skylight and we go up to the roof. "woah.." he smirks and looks at the sky "fucking awesome right?" I nod and smile.

After a few minutes I break the silence "hey Bakugo?" "yeah?" "have you decided to go to Best Jeanist for your internship or are you still deciding?" "im gonna go to Best Jeanist" I nod and then look at him. "who are you gonna go intern with?" "probably Mirko, she's always been one of my favorite heroes." he nods "She is in the top 5 right?" "yeah I think so, but I cant wait to train with her!" he looks at me and smirks "you know you're cute when you smile" I blush alot and turn away so he doesn't notice. "n-not fair Bakugo!" he laughs and looks back at the sky. "Katsuki" "huh?" "call me Katsuki" I smile and look at him blushing a bit. "ok Katsuki." we sit in silence and watch the stars and clouds move across the night sky. 

After a while Mrs. Mitsuki comes up and says, "Hey y/n Amaya said you have to get back home for tonight" I nod and we both go back inside and I yawn and go back downstairs  to meet up with Amaya. Katsuki follows me down and waves as we leave. 

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