Chapter 9

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---------------- Chapter 9 ----------------

I nod and follow him inside "thanks Bakugo" he nods once and turns around to face me. "do you want to take a shower before we start?" "hmm, well it would be nice, I don't have a any clothes though." "dumbass, just take a hoodie and some pants." "thanks Bakugo, ill be quick!" I say walking up the stairs and down the hall. I grab one of his hoodies and some sweatpants and then go to the bathroom.

"Mrs. Mitsuki, do you have any shampoo I can use?" "oh yes sweetie, here you go!" she hands me 2 bottles one with shampoo and the other with conditioner.

I quickly text Amaya that i'm staying for dinner and she says she has a bit of paperwork to do so its ok, and to just come home after dinner.

I take my shower, dry my hair, and put the clothes on. The hoodie smells like Bakugo so I blush a bit and then walk back downstairs to see Bakugo on the couch on his phone "oh you're back, alright lets get started." "ok!"

"take the ingredients to the right and nix them in a small bowl, and ill do the batter." "got it" "once you do that cut the chicken into smaller bite sized pieces and dunk them in the batter and put them on a tray until the rest are done" "mhm, ill let you add them to the oil though"

"ok" he puts them in the oil and fries them. he takes them off the pan "hand me the sauce bowl" I hand it to him and he tastes it "mm add a bit more brown sugar" you add just a little and he tastes it again. "ok that's good" he puts it on the chicken pieces and separates it onto 3 plates. "OI HAG DINNER'S READY!" "I'M COMING KATSUKI" I chuckle at the 2 and I help Bakugo set the table and Mitsuki comes downstairs to eat.

"looks good Katsuki?" "thank y/n, she did alot of the tasks." "oh well thanks y/n!" "you're welcome Mrs. Mitsuki" she tastes it and smiles "its really good, Katsuki did you use your father's recipe?" "yeah I did" "you 2 make a good cooking pair"

I blushed a bit at the comment and smile "thanks Miss" dinner goes smoothly and I get up to wash my dish but Mitsuki stops me. "ill clean the dishes as a thank you for dinner sweetie." "oh uh ok thanks" she nods and takes all 3 dishes and washes them.

"hey Bakugo, Amaya wants mw home soon, so I gotta go" I say awkwardly. "ok, im walking with you since its already dark." I nod and go get my stuff upstairs. I come back and realize im still wearing Bakugo's stuff. "is it ok if I take your stuff home and wash them before I give them back" "sure dumbass but lets get going." "alright, bye mrs Mitsuki!" "Bye sweetie!"

I smile and walk with Bakugo.  and we get back to my house and I see the office light on so Amaya is still working. "thanks for walking with me Bakugo" "I wouldn't let you go by yourself after dark" "still thanks" I wave and walk up to the house and go inside. "im home!" Amaya peeks her head out and smiles. "hey hun, how'd it go?" "it was fun, we trained a bit and then Bakugo taught me how to make Sesame chicken!" "im glad you had fun" she ruffles my hair and lets me head to my room for the night.


Sesame Chicken recipe!

1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon corn starch
1/3 cup water2 teaspoons sesame oil
1/2 tablespoon sesame seeds

Tempura Batter:
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup flour
2 egg whites
1/2 cup cold seltzer water

Chicken:1 lb chicken thighs boneless and skinless cut into 1 chunks
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 tablespoon minced garlic
vegetable oil for deep frying


To make the sauce mix all the ingredients together and to prepare the batter, add the ingredients together until just combined.

Add the chicken pieces to the batter and coat while heating 3 inches of oil to 350 degrees and add the chicken to the oil in batches frying until golden brown.

In a large wok or skillet add the sesame oil to the frying pan and add the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook for 30 seconds.

Add in the sauce and the chicken and coat quickly and serve immediately, garnished with sesame seeds.

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