Chapter 16

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---------------- Chapter 16 ---------------

After a bit of taking notes we get dismissed to go train on our own for a bit until lunch. I stay back in the classroom going over a few notes and Katsuki gets up and drags me with him. "oi dumbass, we're studying later cmon I dont wanna get yelled at by Aizawa" I struggle to start walking and then catch up to him. "hey wait, I can walk myself stop dragging me" he lets me go and I walk normally next to him. "so what are we doing?" He shrugs and keeps walking. "Just shutup and follow me"

We end up going down to the general studies areas and he knocks on the door and it opens and a girl opens it and hugs him. "Katsuki! you came!" she says not noticing me and he shrugs her off. I fidget with the end of my skirt and keep quiet. "shutup, you said I could come here whenever and my friend here" he points to me. "needs your services." she looks me up and down and narrows her eyes smiling and pretending to be nice. "oh im so sorry I didnt see you there, im Kai, Katsuki says you needed a massage?"

I look up at her glaring at me and look at her and clench my fist. I look at Katsuki who is oblivious to the silent stand-off Kai created and he just pulls me inside the room.

I look around the room and its set up with a few massage tables surrounded by wall dividers to separate the areas and he keeps pushing me towards one of the rooms and calls over one of the masseuses to help. "dumbass, take the free massage. its important that you care about yourself."

~an hour later~

I come out of the room and see Katsuki on his phone while Kai is talking his ear off but he doesn't seem to notice much. I wave my hand in front of his face and motion for us to go. he nods and gets up following me quietly. we walk around the halls for a bit until we get to the cafeteria. I stop before we get there and he looks at me questioningly. "what is it?" he asks, I turned around facing him. "your quirk, it affects your hearing, doesn't it?" he tenses up a bit and looks at me. "you can tell?" I nod. "Its nothing really, ill get over it." he says trying to stay strong. I look at him for a few moments and then turn back around. "let me know if it gets worse." he nods and I continue walking to the cafeteria line to get food.

He walks over to the shortest line and gets his food and sits down at the table next to Kirishima, Sero, and Mina. I get to the table and talk to mina about some new gossip from the other classes and then cleans up and heads back to the classroom. I take some notes having my headphones in and goes off into my own world not noticing the other students coming in.

Katsuki looks at me and kicks my foot. I look up and take my earbuds out hearing the other people and nod to him "thanks". he turns back around and looks at the desk while quietly drumming his fingers. I look at Mr. Aizawa and pay attention as he finishes the lecture for the day.

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