Chapter 28

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---------------- Chapter 28 ---------------

A few days later it's Friday and as I get up for school I start noticing little things about how the house is different since mom moved back in. I start to worry about how things might go from here. Will it always stay like this, or will she go back to her old habits of being strict.

I leave the house for school and as I'm walking I get a text from Mina to wait for her at the stop sign. We used to meet up here all the time but I wonder why she wants to meet up before school like we did back then.

I get to the stop sign seeing her there already and she catches up to me. "Hey girly!" "Hey, what did you wanna talk about?" "Oh it's nothing really except the fact you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend! I am betrayed and now dead. Goodbye cruel world." She dramatically gasps. "I didn't tell you because a lot has been happening the past 48 hours" she tilts her head confused.

"Like what?" "My mom woke up from her coma, I am dating a hothead, and I was targeted by the league because of a family member." Her eyes widen as I say the last thing. "The league?! You have to tell aizawa"

"no I can't, he knows why I'm being targeted but I don't think it's a good idea to go spread that reason around." We get to school and head into the classroom. Katsuki looks at me as I walk in and I smile and wave and he "tch's" but I can see a light pink hue on his cheeks. I sit at my desk as mr aizawa tells us the plan for the exams. "There will be a written test for the first half of your score and then the other part will be a secret until the actual day next week."

After that announcement class starts and soon the full school day ends. Katsuki goes up to my desk and pokes my cheek. "Hey cmon" I get my stuff and walk out with him while a few classmates look stunned.

We walk out of the class and he takes my hand and leads me out of the school gates and towards his house. "Where are we going?" I ask. "My house, I planned something and you better like it, it took me a while to set up"

I smile and we get to his house and he leads me upstairs to the roof and it has a picnic set up and he leads me to the blanket to sit down. I smile and sit as he sits next to me. "You like it?" I nod and kiss his cheek. He blushes and looks away.

He opens a basket and pulls out some sandwiches and hands me one after unwrapping it.  I take a bite as he starts eating his as well. "Hey y/n" "yeah?" "Would you wanna spend the night?" i lay mh head on his shoulder and keep eating. "Sure, just as long as I can spend time with you" he blushes a bit and 'tchs' while looking away.


Hey guys this story is at its end, thank you for all the support on this, I appreciate it alot! please stick around and read another story or 2, I have been writing alot but they're all small stories that cant be turned into a book on here, so im thinking of doing a bunch of small one part stories, let me know what you think in the comments, I love you all thank you for the support.

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