Chapter 24

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---------------- Chapter 24 ---------------

After a bit, visiting hours end and we have to leave. "We'll be back tomorrow, stay safe mrs l/n" "Amaya ive told you countless times, call me Maki, youve taken care of my daughter for 2 years for heavens sake you've deserved it. Katsuki if youre spending the night at the house dont try anything with y/n, got it?" He nods "it was nice to meet you mrs. l/n" she nods and I give her one last hug before waving and walking out with Amaya and Katsuki. "Is that why you were all giddy earlier?" I ask Amaya "huh, no it wasn't that, I just reconnected with an old friend and turns out he asked me on a date before we left!" I smile and hug her "that's great Amaya, me and Mina will help you figure out what to wear." She nods happily and starts driving home.

"Hey dumbass" I look at Katsuki who is on the floor of my bedroom looking up at glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. "Hm?" "What's your dream date look like?" I smile and move so im sitting next to him. "Some dinner at a restaurant, walking around town for a bit as the lights wrapped around the trees light up, and then heading back to one of our houses to watch a movie together." He smiles and looks down at my head now on his shoulder. "Ok babe" I look up at him and blush a bit. "What? Cant handle me calling you babe?" I get flustered. "N-no! Im fine!" He chuckles and looks back at the ceiling. "What about you?" I ask "what's your dream date?" He thinks for a second and doesn't look away from the ceiling "I dont really have one, I always though relationships weren't worth my time so I never thought about it." I look at him trying not to show the disappointed on my face. "That being said, I never liked someone the way I like you" he thinks *to be honest im scared im gonna fuck this up and be left heartbroken...again* I nod "that's nice, I never tried a relationship, though the thought of having child and the father not being around scared me, so I never wanted anything to be "serious" or as serious as a middle school relationship can be, until now that is." he looks at me with an unreadable expression.

"Y/n, I had one relationship before we met" I tense up at the thought of him being with someone else. "Ok?" "I mean I got hurt from that and I didnt want to try anymore, it was really difficult to move on, but when I met you that changed" he trails off after that and looks back at me. "Ah, Im sorry you got hurt" he shrugs it off "its not your fault so dont apologize dumbass" I lay my head back on his shoulder and feel his shoulder fall a bit as he relaxes and lays his head on mine and grabs my hand. "I promised your mom id do my best to make you happy, I plan to stick by that promise for as long as we're together."  I smile a bit and close my eyes and he rubs his fingers over my kuckles. "Im glad I promised your parents the same thing, when your mom showed me some baby pictures." I chuckle and he "tsk's"

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