Chapter 20

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---------------- Chapter 20 ---------------

While he's in the shower I change myself and put on a bit of perfume to refresh myself and check my phone to see the 75 texts from Mina all saying stuff like "DUDE IM NO LONGER SINGLE!" and "KIRI CONFESSED TO ME!!" I smile and respond to her texts. "Hey hey hey that's awesome!! I'm so happy for you!!"

We talk for a bit longer and Katsuki comes back wearing only sweatpants and no shirt. "The shirt was too small." I look up hearing him talk and I blush alot. "Wait what?" I forget the question as soon as I see him shirtless. "the shirt is too small, dumbass" "huh, oh i don't have any other shirts, im sorry." he smirks and comes over to me "you sure you don't have another shirt, or are you just making an excuse so you can see me shirtless hm?" he asks, getting closer and teasingly. I blush more and get up standing right in front of him. "And what if i am?" he blushes a bit bit wxpecting that response and looks down at me. "I don't know~"

Amaya knocks on the door and we quickly separate and Amaya comes in saying something but i'm not listening trying to cool my face down. Thankfully she doesn't notice and just came to get the dishes from dinner and Katsuki tells her that he's spending the night. "Haha i expected that, i'll set up a room for you if you want it" she smiles and leaves and i look over at him and glare. "What dumbass?" he chuckles "are you mad because i teased you?" "what! No thats stupid!" he smirks "alright, whatever you say."

"J-just put a shirt on idiot!" he chuckles and puts one of his shirts on and cleans up his stuff, organizing it in his bag. I lay on the bed and scroll through tiktok, waiting for him to finish. "y/n" I roll over and look at him. "Hm?" "there's a girl i like" he pauses and i start thinking that he's talking about kai. "Like romantically, and i don't know how to ask her out, what should i do?" I think to myself trying to not seem disappointed. "I would ask her over text if you don't talk in person much, but if you get the chance to talk to her, ask her to dinner or something like that." he nods and clears his throat "would you like to go to dinner with me on friday?" "That's good, but say it to the girl you like." he looks at me intently, waiting for a real response. "I just did" I tilt my head confused. "Well what did she say?" he facepalms and gets up walking over to me and making me stand up in front of him. "I like you dumbass" I blush, "w-what? Me? Why i'm not really worth that much, i-i don't..." he puts his hand on my shoulder and lifts my chin up. "Don't say that, you are amazing, would you like to go on a date with me?" I nod and smile. "Yeah I would." He looks into my eyes for what seems like hours and we both lean in bit by bit and he kisses me and I kiss back.

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