Chapter 3

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---------------- Chapter 3 ----------------

Mr. Aizawa was close friends with my mom so i've known him for a while, he used to help me train.

he puts his hand on my shoulder and gives a small smile. "how is your mother and Amaya?"

"they're both good, my mother's state hasn't changed yet and Amaya is great." He nods and tells me I can leave to get changed.

I get to the changing room and see the rest of the girls already changing and I start getting changed as well and a girl named Mina Ashido looks over at me "wow! l/n-san you have an amazing body!"

I blush a bit at the comment and nod in her direction as a thank you and she smiles brightly. "Mina, your gay is showing a bit" A girl named Kyoka Jiro says and Mina just giggles and shrugs it off.

After everyone finishes changing we all head to the training fields. A guy with red hair comes up to me and he smiles, showing off his sharp, shark-like teeth.

"Hi, my name is Eijirou Kirishima nice to meet you pretty lady." blush just a bit at the comment and smile while responding

"Hey, i'm y/n l/n nice to meet you Kirishima." he nods and stands next to me and Mr. Aizawa calls up a guy named Bakugo who turns out to be the spiky blonde-haired kid from earlier.

The class watches him take the ball and throw it as hard as he can while screaming "DIE!!"

Damn dude, what did the ball do to you

Mr. Aizawa threatens that whoever is in last place is gonna be expelled, I can see through his lie but start with the tasks anyways.

As I line up for the running portion I sadly get paired up with Bakugo and Midoryia with me in the middle and I take off my gloves, turn into a pearly white baby dragon, and speed across the track and the tracker yells out "3.2 seconds" for my time.

I glare at the monitor I can do so much better...

Some people say I am too hard on myself, but I just want to be a good hero so I can live up to my mother's reputation.

After the activities Mr. Aizawa reveals that he was lying about expelling someone and he gives his signature wide-smile.

I follow the girls back to the changing rooms and I put my school uniform back on and walks out to go to the classroom to get ready for lunch. I see Kirishima by the door

"hey l/n, wanna eat lunch together?"

I nod and walk with him to a lunch table and a boy with blonde hair with a black lightning stripe, a boy with black hair, Bakugo, and Mina sit with us and they introduce themselves to each other.

"hey guys, im Denki Kaminari" the boy with the black lightning stripe says. "im Hanta Sero" the boy with the black hair says and we all talk about random things for the rest of lunch.

"Hey Kaminari, wouldn't your quirk be like super helpful in the medical course?"

he looks confused, "What do you mean l/n?"

"Well your quirk is like an AED machine, y'know, the things that you put on people's chest and shock life into them?"

he nods and realizes what im taking about. "Ohhhhhhhh, well I guess I am pretty great then!"

We all head back to class soon after, go to our other classes, and get ready for the day to end.

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