Chapter 8

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---------------- Chapter 8 ----------------

He nods and I walk out of the room and find the bathroom to change. When I come back I see Bakugo sitting on his bed in a black skin tight tank top. I blushed and then tried to hide it. "what dumbass?" "huh oh nothing its nothing" "whatever idiot lets train"

I nod and follow him to the backyard. "go ahead and stretch Ill get us some waters" "thanks Bakugo" he nods and walks inside

Bakugo's POV

I walked inside to hide my blushing face a bit and I grab 2 water bottles. "dammit..." The hag walks in "language Katsuki, what's wrong" "I hate feelings and emotions.." her eyes widen and realize "got it you like y/n!" I blushed a bit "shut old hag I dont want to tell her!!"

Y/n's  POV

I sit outside and look up at the sky and my mind wanders back to the USJ attack. I sigh and watch the sky turn orange as the sun sets and Bakugo comes back outside and notices me laying down.

"Oi dumbass what's wrong" "nothing, just thinking." "I can tell its not nothing, what is it?" "fine, I was thinking about the USJ incident" "don't think about that dumbass we have to train" "wow thanks, yeah ill just turn my brain off" I say sarcastically "that's not what I meant, just think about training instead."

I chuckle and nod and stand up to get ready "quirks or no quirks?" " no quirks first" "got it" we start with some hand to hand combat and he swipes my legs out from under me after dodging some punches and gets on top of me. I blushed a bit and pushed him off of me and got on top of him and smirked. "I win" he growls and pushes me off

"that's only because you said no quirks" I giggle quietly and he continues to be mad about losing.

We take a small break and then start up again. "we are using quirks right?" "yeah of course we are, Im gonna kick your ass!" 

I smirk at him and start attacking him as he dodges most but then I turn into a dragon and absorbs enough heat for Bakugo to not be able to sweat and turn into a pearly white dragon that has ice powers and freeze both of his hands and feet together. 

He breaks out of the ice and punches me in the stomach and I slip back and fall on some slippery grass from the rain earlier. "dammit" I get back up but I start memorizing his attack patterns and dodge each one. "what the hell, stop dodging dumbass!" 

I continue to dodge and see an opening to punch him and I go to punch him in the stomach but he turns around and roundhouse (ill roundhouse your ass! - Brennan from stepbrothers) kicks me and I stumble and fall and he pins me down. "I win" he says cockily and gets off of me. His tone changes to a softer one. "i'm hungry, ill teach you how to make sesame chicken now, cmon"

Teach me... (Bakugo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now