Chapter 22

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---------------- Chapter 22 ---------------

An extra doctor in the room testing the sleeping woman. "Oh, hello i'll be done in a second, your mother is making good steady progress and should be waking up within the next few weeks." I nod and thank the doctor as he finishes up and leaves, I go sit in the stool by the bed and grab my mother's hand. "H-hey mom, I brought someone with me today" I pause and motion for Katsuki to come over and I pull up another stool. "This is Katsuki, he's the one I was telling you about, turns out he likes me too and were gonna go on a date on Friday after school." I reach for Katskui's hand and places it over my mother's hand. "Hello Mrs. L/n its a pleasure to meet you, I promise to take care of your daughter whenever she needs it." My mom moves a bit in her coma, which surprises everyone in the room, me, Katsuki, and Amaya.

She starts moving around a bit more and she moves her hand reaching over to me. I tear up and look at her. "M-mom?" she opens her eyes a bit to look at me and moves her hand against my cheek as the tears fall I lean into her hand. Amaya tears up as well and smiles before going out to get the doctor.

"H-hi my sweet pumpkin" she says looking at me. At this point im full on sobbing but not making much noise.

"Its alright baby, im here now, Im sorry.." She says quietly sitting up and playing with my hair a bit using her other hand. "Katsuki, I remember your mother, such a kind lady tell her I say hi." He is still in shock and nods slowly. The doctor comes in and tries to put the pieces together, he figures out that its the new presence of Katsuki and the fact that there is a new relationship.

The doctor runs a few tests and thankfully she doesn't have any memory issues or anymore injures since they all healed properly. "Mom, why didnt you tell me about my father?" she freezes a bit and lets out a breath "I didnt want to tell you because I knew that id have to explain it and I wasn't ready to face it myself." Katsuki stands up and bows. "Its a pleasure to meet you mrs. l/n, ill be outside if you need me y/n" he walks out to let us talk.

"He seems very polite." i smile "he's not always polite, but it adds to his attractiveness" "hun, I have to tell you something." I look at her "ok?" "I was able to hear eveything you said when you came by to tell me things, I know what's going on now, you have a great teacher, Shota is a great role model. Those boys that you are friends with at school seem like a good group of kids." She smiles softly thinking back to what else ive said. "I should get discharged soon and then as I know, the media is gonna go nuts that im awake." she chuckles and I smile and tear up again. "I missed you..." she hugs me tightly.

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