Chapter 18

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---------------- Chapter 18 ---------------

 after a bit I look at Mina who's asleep and Kirishima who's looking at her. I smirk, "do you like her?" he blushes a bit and looks away. "I-i uhm n-no" "aww what a shame she was telling me the other day about this red haired guy she found cute, she also mentioned him being in our class." he blushes alot and holds his face in his hands, I look over at Katsuki who is still working despite the interruptions. I look at Kirishima and he looks at her and sighs. After a bit he goes to the bathroom and Katsuki speaks up.

"you think they'll work out?" "if he ends up hurting her he's dead. she my best friend, she doesn't deserve another heartbreak." he nods, and stays quiet. "hey, you ok, you've been kinda quiet today" he looks up at me, "im fine, just thinking" he looks at mina "she's lucky to have you as her best friend" I blush. "heh, thanks oh I never got to properly thank you for the massage earlier today, it was really nice" he blushes a bit as well and keeps his head turned to the table. "its whatever, Kai can be really weird so she probably did something stupid." he says with a smile and I nod.

"yeah, I noticed that she's the jealous type" he looks up "what do you mean?" he asks "huh oh its nothing don't worry about it." I lie trying not to ruin what they have and I go back to the notes I took and turn the textbook page to continue. "you didnt answer the question" he says still looking at me. "Katsuki its nothing I promise" he narrows his eyes trying to figure out if im lying or not and can tell I am lying but doesn't push it any more.

Mina wakes up and sits next to me looking over my notes with me. Kirishima comes back in and smiles at her. Amaya comes in with some food. "hey guys I brought food, but if you need anything dont be afraid to ask" I nod and get up as she sets the food down. "Amaya I need to talk to you" I quietly say and she follows me out. "you guys keep working ill be back in a sec" they hum in agreement and go back to work.

"Amaya, uhm so you know Katsuki right? I need your help with something..." I say a bit nervous and fidgeting with my hoodie sleeves. "OMG are you pregnant?!" she says a bit too loud. "what no no im pregnant!" "oh thank god, I dont think id be able to help much if you were, I dont know how to take care of children.."

I nod and mumble something. "hm sorry I didnt catch that" I speak up a bit "I think I have a crush on Katsuki.." she ruffles my hair "hun why do you say that like a bad thing?" I look down "he likes someone else" her eyes widen and pulls me into a hug. "I didnt realize it until today but he likes this girl named Kai, she gives him free massages whenever he wants.." "im so sorry hun" she kisses my head and Mina comes out.

"hey you ok?" I nod and let go of Amaya. "y/n what happened?" "its not that important, just a stupid crush ill get over soon..." she pats my head. "who is it? Is it Bakugo?" I nod and she smiles softly. "y/n-" I cut her off "he likes someone else.." she sighs "y/n are you sure?" I nod. "pretty damn sure, this girl was all over him like they were dating and he did nothing to stop her" Mina sighs and hugs me before she leads me back into the room.

"m-mina what're you-" she stops and makes me crash into her. " just sit and eat something, I know you haven't eaten since lunch." I nod and sit back down looking a bit disconnected from the world and eats some of the chips. Mina sits next to me and makes sure I dont fall asleep like I normally would when I disconnect from my surroundings. "y/n?" Katsuki says and I look up. "hm?" "you ok?" I nod and turn my head back to take notes. 

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