Chapter 5

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---------------- Chapter 5 ----------------

During class Mr. Aizawa announced that we needed a class president and everyone decided on a vote.

Everyone voted and you had to think a bit but decided that Iida would be the best candidate. Midoryia ended up winning and Momo became Vice President.

I shrugged it off and walked to lunch with Kirishima and Mina.

The alarm goes off "there's an intruder in the school" everyone starts screaming and rushing towards the exit.

I got trampled and felt someone pick me up and push me against the wall and I opened my eyes to see Bakugo. "thanks Bakugo" he nods and gets pushed around a bit but ultimately keeps me in the same place.

Iida gets on top of the emergency exit sign and I comment. "he looks like the sign" Bakugo looks towards him and sighs as everyone stops pushing and relaxes a bit as Iida takes charge.

"knew it" you said out of nowhere. "what was that dumbass?" "oi im not a dumbass, and I voted for Iida for class president because I thought he would be a good fit, but he didnt win."

"Why didnt you vote for me! im the one teaching you how to cook!!"

I just chuckled and then realized he is still pressing me against the wall and blushed while looking away. He realizes as well and lets me go.

"oh uh sorry" "its ok, lets go back to the class." he nods and walks back still having a light blush on his face.

Midoryia announces that he wants to give up his position to Iida and that he shook be the class president and not Midoryia.

~The next morning timeskip brought to you by Kirishima's manliness~

Mr. Aizawa comes in and announces that we are going to a training center called USJ. "get your costumes on and meet at the buses."

The hero costumes you requested cane out of the wall and I go up and find my own.

(pick which one you want, Credit to: WitoruniP on DevianArt)

I take my hero costume and go to the changing rooms to get changed

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I take my hero costume and go to the changing rooms to get changed. I notice everyone else's costumes and smile at them.

"you look great l/n!" Momo says "oh uh thank you! all of you guys look great too!"

everyone heads out to the bus and sees all the guys there and the girls see Mineta drooling while looking at me and the other girls which made me feel a bit insecure and cover up.

Bakugo comes up to you and whispers "sit next to me on the bus, got it dumbass?" you nod and smile. He punches Mineta, while walking away, who flies across the parking lot.

"alright everyone get on the bus" everyone gets on and I sit next to Bakugo and everyone starts talking.

"Bakugo your personality is like flaming trash mixed with garbage." kaminari says and Bakugo yells at him as I just sat there trying to ignore everyone's yelling by listening to music.

Once we get to the USJ center Mr. Aizawa introduces us to the pro hero 13, but the introduction was cut short by purple smoke coming from the middle of the center. "those are real villains 13, protect the students!" Mr. Aizawa yells and goes to fight them. The purple smoke traps us from the exit and we get separated into groups.

Thirteen notices that they cannot make contact with the outside world at all, so she orders the Iida to dash to U.A. to tell the teachers there what is transpiring and get them to come and help.

You get transported to the main area and see a guy with hands all over him and you recognize him from the day your mom went into a coma. "you bitch" you growl, turn in to a red dragon, and attack him with fire. All he does is smirk and dodge all of the attacks.

"fight me you coward!"

"y'know your mother wouldn't be happy with the little progress you've made"

"don't you dare speak of her like you know her"

"oh but I do, y/n, do you know who I am"

"yes, you're the dick who put her in a coma"

"ah yes I did do that, but im also your father"

you freeze and stare at him with wide eyes. "your disintegrating quirk, where do you think you got it from? you got it from me"

"n-no, your lying, there's no way..."

you attack him with more fire power than you have and he suddenly gets shot in the legs as pro hero Snipe shot both of his legs and Kurogiri drags him behind a portal so you cant get to him.

Bakugo notices you having a blank face staring at where Shigiraki was. "l/n, what's wrong?"

Kirishima is off trying to find the others so its just you and him and you break down and fall on your knees on the ground holding your chest and trying to breathe.

"There are villains trying to surround us, ill get them and you focus on breathing, im right here l/n" Bakugo says while attacking the villains and after they're down he kneels down in front of you and hugs you. "its gonna be ok, what happened?" "s-s-shigiraki I-is my f-father, my mom w-wouldn't let me talk about who m-my father was, and I-i know why now..."


Hey guys, thought id check in and see how you liked the story so far, leave your thoughts in the comments and I'll take your thoughts into consideration.

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