Chapter 14

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---------------- Chapter 14 ---------------

After dinner I go put on my hero suit and meet back up with Mirko and we head out to start patrolling.

"the most important thing about being a hero, in my opinion at least, is saving people from harm. Not for money, not for fame, but simply because its what heroes are supposed to do. I know alot of people who became heroes for money and fame, but none of them got it. The heroes that work hard to save people just to save them and protect the cities they live in. those are the ones who got what those other people desired so much. I admire All Might because of that reason, I think he is what a true hero should be. Anyway, we gotta get ready for any villains that decide tonight is the night to attack. " she finishes her small speech and I nod feeling more determined now for some reason. I follow her as she explains her morals and what she finds is most important to being a hero.

After 30 minutes of patrolling she gets a call for a villain. We rush to the scene and see a burning building. Mirko rushes in not hesitating and despite it being the first day, I follow after putting my mask up to not breathe in too much ash. I use my quirk to get as many people out as possible and I look up seeing the building becoming unstable and I rush back in hearing a kid calling out for his mother. I pick him up and fly out as fast as I can as the building collapses around us. I stay with the child until his mother comes to get him. Mirko clears up the situation, finds the villains and arrest them. She comes over to me and checks if I have any injuries. "are you ok, do you have any injuries" I cough a bit "i'm ok trust me, I got out before the building collapsed." she relaxes a bit. "ok I trust you, as long as you're sure" I nod and a few other pros come by to make sure the situation is handled.

After a while we get back to the agency and fill out some paperwork from the building attack earlier, Mrs. Arya brings up a snack and a piece of paper with the orange chicken recipe. "thank you ma'am" she nods and heads back to clean up around the agency. I yawn and finish the small stack I have left. "you can head back to your room, make sure to sleep well tonight, we gotta get up early for a workout and patrols"

I nod and put the papers in their respective bins and I go back to my room and see a few texts from my classmates: one from Midoryia, 2 from Todoroki, and one random meme from Mina. I check the one from Midoryia who just sent his location which confused me, I look at the 2 from Todoroki which read:

Message 1: if you're in the area, the hero killer stain is attacking go to the location midoryia sent you if he did.

Message 2: its all handled now, were being admitted to the nearby hospital.

I question why he sent that to me, i'm nowhere near Endeavor's agency and why is Midoryia is Hosu? I thought he went farther north. oh well I'll ask them when we get back. I sigh and stretch a bit and wipe off whatever grime I can before falling asleep.

~the next morning~

I wake up hearing my alarm go off and check the time. what is so important I have to wake up at 5:30, I don't even wake up that early for school...

I get my hero suit on and go to the kitchen where we had dinner last night and I see Mirko talking to Arya. "oh hey sweetie, i'm made breakfast but I don't think you'll have time to eat it all, so here" Arya hands me a smoothie and I smile. "thank you" she nods and goes back to cooking. "y/n, we got a few reports overnight about the hero killer stain popping up in Hosu. I think it was out while we were patrolling. A few students were involved in the accident, but the point is that Stain has died. His lung was punctured by a broken rib. While that means we dont have to worry about him, we do have to worry about his impact on people, alot of villains and civilians agreed with his morals and want to act on them, its only a matter of time but crime rates are gonna shoot up because of it. All we have to do is be on the lookout for villains." I nod processing all the information and look up at her.

"I know the students who were involved, they're in my class, but I think that if I can do anything to bring down the crime rate number before it starts rising I wanna do it." Mirko looks at me with pure admiration.

"I knew I picked a good kid for an internship" she says ruffling my hair. "lets get going then, we have to patrol for most of the day, but instead of focusing on villains for all of the day, another important thing about being a hero in today's society is that we have reputations given to us by social media and fans, we have to maintain that reputation, so today we're focusing on public image. Once you go pro, you'll start gaining fans, our goal today is to get your hero name out there and save some people all while keeping up a reputation you would wanna keep up, what is your hero name, the papers never said anything about it"

I think for a bit, "I'm just going with y/n: the dragon hero" she smiles and starts walking. "I like it!" she says and motions for me to follow her.

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