Chapter 11

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---------------- Chapter 11 ---------------

me and Amaya get home and she tells me that there is a surprise waiting for me. I think of all the possibilities and then she tells me to put on a blindfold as we pull up to the house. 

She leads me inside and then takes the blindfold off revealing a gray kitten with green eyes. I bent down and put my hand out for her to get to know me and I smile as she nuzzles my hand. "what do you wanna name her hun?" Amaya says and I think for a bit and settle on the name bullet because it sounds cool. I smile and stand up and hug Amaya. "she's so cute!! Thank you!" 

Me and Amaya eat dinner and then I had upstairs for the night, noticing Bullet following behind. I get to my room and Bullet jumps on my bed and curls up before falling asleep. I get a call from Mina and answer it.

"Hey girl, what's up, I wanted to see how you were doing after the festival" she says. "oh im good, when I got home today, Amaya, my mom's sidekick got me a kitten and I named her bullet because it's cool." she lights up with excitement and I show her the gray kitten. 

"So cute!! oh but there is another reason I wanted to call you, I wanted to ask if there was anything going on between you and Kirishima" "no there's not he's just a friend, but hey do you ask?" She nods and then blushes a bit "I uh I kinda maybe like him" she says nervously. "omg that's awesome!! im so happy for you, do you want me to try and help you get together or figure out if he likes you back"  "no no its ok, if it happens then it happens"

"gotcha, well if you need help let me know" "thanks bro I appreciate it, but its getting late, you probably need sleep so goodnight!" "goodnight Mina, see you tomorrow" she nods and ends the call. 

I pet Bullet and then grab one of my face masks and puts it on while watching a new anime. I take off the mask about 20 minutes later and then go to sleep.

~The next morning~

I get to school and see Bakugo outside the door to the classroom "hey bakugo, what's up is the door locked?" "yeah, its locked why the hell would I be standing outside if it wasn't" "got it" I slide down the wall and wait for Mr. Aizawa to come unlock the classroom. He comes in a few minutes later and says. "my bad"

We walk to our seats and start to talk about the festival yesterday. 

"Everyone shut, the sports festival wasn't just a test of skills, it was also a test for an internship with a pro. Ill pass out the lists and write the top 3 earners on the board." I look through my stack and decide to talk it over with Amaya later. I walk over to Bakugo and look at him waiting fir him to notice me. 

" what do you want y/n?" "Teach me.." "to cook? I'm already doing that, come over tonight, ill teach you" I smile and stick by him. "who are you gonna pick for your internship?" "I dont know, probably Best Jeanist" I nod and he asks me who im gonna pick. "im gonna decide between Mirko and Hawks." he nods and then goes back to to looking through the papers. 

I get home a few hours later and find Amaya so I can ask her about the internships. "hm I think Hawks could help more with the flying, but Mirko is the one I know better so I say go with her." I nod and put the papers in my room. "oh, Amaya bakugo asked me to come over tonight to teach me to cook better. Ill bring home some for you dont worry." "ill drive you over there hun dont worry about it, I do wanna meet his parents though, so ill go with you and then leave after a bit."

"I'll let them know, and thanks" She nods and goes back to some paperwork. I text Bakugo and he says he'll ket his mom know. 

 ~2 hours later~

Amaya and I drive to the Bakugo residence and I ring the doorbell. I hear shuffling from inside and some yelling as Mrs. Mitsuki opens the door and smiles. "ah welcome back y/n and welcome.." "oh its Amaya, nice to meet you" "oh well its so good to meet you too, Im Mrs. Bakugo but please call me Mitsuki." they shake hands and Bakugo comes downstairs and motions for me to come upstairs. "Amaya can you not reveal too many embarrassing please." "no promises hun, but go on talk to Bakugo." 

I nod and take off my shoes and head upstairs to see Bakugo waiting by his door. "took you long enough" "oi, at least im here on time" he rolls his eyes and leads me into his room. "hey Bakugo, I dont understand why you can tolerate me and then yell at the others, why is that?" "ah well I dont know, I dont feel the need to yell at you like I do to the other idiots" I nod and think for a few seconds, he mumbles something and turns away from me. "huh, sorry I didnt catch that" "its nothing, shutup and lets go cook." 

I nod not wanting to pry and we walk downstairs to Amaya and Mitsuki gossiping about some random things. We start making some Onigiri Sandwiches and then hand one to each of the adults and we each take one for ourselves. "wow these are great!" Amaya says and Mitsuki nods happily. I high-five Bakugo and he blushes a bit, I just smile and sit at the table next to him talking to him and occasionally talking to Mrs. Mitsuki and Amaya.



13,75 oz (390 g) sushi rice 18,5 oz (525 g) water


4 nori seaweed sheets 2 large carrots 2 medium avocado 4 mini cucumbers 1 medium red onion fresh cilantro arugula mayo Sriracha sauce black sesame


soya sauce Satay sauce (peanut and coconut) Hoisin sauce


Cook the rice.

Wash the sushi rice very well. To do this, place it in a drainer and rinse it under cold water by moving it with your hands. We'll do it until the water comes out clear and starch-free.Leave in the strainer itself, with a bowl underneath, to rest for 30 minutes.Pour the rice into a large pot. Pour the water and place on medium heat.Once it comes to the boil, leave for 2 minutes.After that, cover, reduce to low heat and cook for 13 more minutes without lifting the lid. Remove from heat and leave to rest in the pot for 10 minutes.

Make the filling.

Peel and wash the carrots. With the help of a mandolin, cut into very thin strips. Set aside. Cut the red onion with the fine julienne cutter, so that small onion cubes are obtained. Set aside. Wash the cucumbers and laminate. Cut the avocados in half lengthwise and slice them very finely.

Shape onigirazu.

Place a sheet of film paper on a clean work surface.On top of this, put a nori seaweed sheet with the shiny side facing down.For each onigirazu we will need 6,35 oz (180 g) of rice, divided into 2 parts. Put a square of rice in the centre of the seaweed. Spread some mayonnaise and a pinch of Sriracha sauce.Place the carrot cut in julienne, the avocado, onion and cucumber. Place fresh cilantro and arugula to taste on top. Place another square of rice over the filling and press gently.Fold the corners of the seaweed towards the centre and over the filling, trying to fold inwards the seaweed remaining in each lower corner of the packet. 

Place a piece of carrot on the first layer of film, perpendicular to the way you have placed the inner carrot, so that when cutting the onigirazu, the arrangement of all the ingredients can be appreciated. It will serve as a guide for us to cut it later. Wrap the film so that it is tightly wrapped into a package and flatten gently.

  Very gently!Let stand for 10-12 minutes for the seaweed to hydrate and acquire a smooth texture.Cut in half, remember to do it in the same direction as we put the piece of carrot, and without removing the film.Enjoy with a little black sesame and the sauce of your choice.

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