Chapter 3: "Curiosity"

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Lino's pov

The moment I entered the library it actually felt peaceful, just what I needed. Since I'm into horrors and fantasies, maybe a Vampire Adventure book might be the best. I tried to grab one but someone snatched it faster with his or her hard grip. (what the...!) I decided to walk towards the other side because I had to see whoever that jerk was. I observed him from behind before saying a word. (seems like it's a guy) He was actually wearing a dark hoodie with jeans and he had a fade haircut, leaving his curly dark hair. It didn't look like an afro but it was more silky and smooth as it fell on the side. His fingers probably go through easily. (Ow he's got an ear piercing too... Ahh lemme just approach him already.)

"Pssh nerds" I heard his deep ruspy voice say. "Can you kindly give me my book back Mr" I said confidently and he turned to face me. "Huh and who are...ow it's you Linomsa." His broad shoulders turned and he faced me. (Omg! It's him. Is the f*ckin universe against me today? Jeez!) He then said it belonged to him since he had it in his hands, I didn't actually pay attention. (He is so damn gorgeous and his nose piercing just makes him look hotter...girl focus!) "You better gimme my book back or else-" he cut me off before I could continue. What's wrong with him?

"Or else what? You gonna call mommy? Huh" (is he mocking me?)

Slowly and not breaking the eye contact, he started walking towards me. "Listen cutie, this is mine and no one takes what belongs to me. Are we clear?" A possessive look was on his eyes. I think I heard someone shushing us.

"Are we clear?" He asked, what I didn't realise was that my back was leaning against the wall. I was trapped between him and the wall. Our faces were an inch apart. I wanted to say something but it seemed like I had a lump in my throat. Walking away from him was impossible, he blocked my way. (God save me from this awkward situation!) "Running away, are we?" He looked amused but before I could talk back he pulled out his phone. "Well I gotta go sweetheart" and that was it, he just left looking triumphul. (And I still don't know his f*ckin name!)

"Girl you better stay away from him"

I heard a voice next to me. I swear it startled me to death. Damn that creep Steve from class. "And who are you to tell me that Steve?" I asked staring directly to his eyes.

"Don't you know who that guy is?...Ivy Iviwe Sinner and some call him The merciless bad-boy." His face had a dramatic and horrific look.

"What are you gonna say now? Dan! Dan! Dan! Stop being dramatic man." He really got on my nerves.

"What?! Listen to me. No one exactly knows if he killed his father or not because the body was never found. Maybe he got rid of it. No case was opened against him." I was stunned. "How do you know all this?" I asked Mr Know-it-all. He kept on pacing around like a creep. Steve knows almost everything plus his father is an international police officer.

"And the last school he attended? He was thrown out. Besides having tons of girlfriends, he almost killed a guy there. So you better watch out Lino. See ya!"

Steve left me there with questions in my head. I kept on wondering what caused him to do all that. As for being scared, he didn't scare me at all. (Who are you Ivy?)

Since I didn't get my book, I took another one titled THE CROW. While heading back home I still had the urge to know or find something about him. They say curiosity killed the cat but you know what? I ain't no cat.

"What's got you like that Lino?" Am asked with a worried look. "Nothing important, come let's study and then we can watch a movie before sleep yah." I got ready and took my pencil case. "Okay gimme a minute."


Ivy's pov

I decided to call Sam because I had to go to my uncle's place first and pick up my things. I was moving in with Sam and the guys. "Hey man, why did you text me just now? It seems important" I asked.

~"Sup dude, tell me what time will you arrive here"

"Ahh...I ain't sure yet."

~"You know what? Just make sure by 18:00 you at the door step man."

(I wonder what is he up to.) "Okay sure thing nigga."

I arrived at my uncle's house or should I say mansion. This guy is filthy rich, I mean my family does have money but I think my uncle has a goose that lays golden eggs for sure. He does some investments and stuff, I've never really asked him about his business. "Hey baby boy" a woman greeted me from the kitchen. I guess today he brought a different one. As I passed by his room something caught my eye next to the door. A small plastic package with some white powder was on the floor. I tried to pick it up but I heard a deep voice behind me. "Don't you dare touch that young man".....TO BE CONTINUED

How was this guys? I thought I should write two povs this time.💘

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