Chapter 24: "You can't leave me (Part 2- Mark's end?)

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No alerts, just free your imagination. Read, enjoy and tell me your thoughts when you're done yah.❤

Ivy's pov

The moment I barged in, I instantly saw her. My mother was laying on the ground, bleeding and breathing heavily. (No!) My mind went crazy and I just pointed my guns at Mark. Chris was tied to a chair and two guards were next to him.

"How nice it is for you to join us...son." He said with sarcasm.

"Don't call me that you bastard. How could you do this to her? I'm the one you want."

"Killing you wouldn't have satisfied me. Ending you in one hit would've made me miss this pain in your eyes. I wanted to see you suffer by hurting the ones you love. As for your mother... Let her die. I never asked her to give birth to you. The both of you became a jinx in my life. A hurdle, and what do you do with hurdles?....You destroy them my dear Ivy." He just took a seat on the couch next to where mother was laying and just stared at me while rubbing his chin with a gun. His gaze became more darker it made me cringe. (How could this man be my father?)

"I'm gonna k-"

"Huh?" He cut me off and tilted his head. "You wanna try again? Uhhhmm you know, kill me?" He chuckled. "Hehe, you failed before, what makes you think you can do it now?"

"I don't care how many times I have to do it but in the end you will eventually die a painful death Mr Sinner." I was burning in rage.

"We're similar. It's like you're my reincarnation or even a clone. Merciless, you're a Sinner. Just leave this woman here and come with me. I can make you more powerful." (Is he being serious?)

"I-Iviwe..." Mother breathlessly spoke out. "D-don't listen to him. Y-you..."

"Ow she speaks?" Mark sarcastically asked, acting surprised.

"Mom!" I tried to step closer but Mark stopped me.

"Don't you dare Iviwe. I'm the one who made this reunion possible, so things will go my way. Take him to the car." He pointed at Chris. (Lino is outside. I just hope they'll find a way to escape. I need to deal with him.)

"What do you want exactly?" I asked

"Your end." He said as he stood up and before he could act... I shot him. Right on his chest and he fell down. Closer and closer I walked towards him. He just layed there looking up at me.

"L-let's talk this out põr favor. I-I'm your father. Give me a ch-"

"Just shut the f*ck up." Without giving it a second thought, I shot him twice on his forehead. "Who's end did you want again?" I whispered... (He's finally gone.)

I had no regrets. The first time when I tried to kill him, I felt guilty somehow. I saw myself as a monster. Yeah, we are alike. I can never change the fact that his blood runs through my vains. Well at least I have those who still care about me. (Mother?) I left his body on the floor, a gun was in his hand.

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