Chapter 9: "Suspicious"

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Ivy's pov

I have never thought that I would one day be able to open up to someone. Especially to a girl I've just met days ago. It feels like something in me has changed. A little bit of the weight over my shoulders has been lifted. But still...I shouldn't let my damn guard down. Mark might be alive and I don't know when he'll come for me or my loved ones. That's why I must remain armed. I really wanna be with this girl but still I fear for her. What if being with me brings danger to her? I wouldn't be able forgive my self for that. I must protect her no matter what.

Seems like my days of agony are slowly fading away. Yeah, I know I've been a player. (More like a f*ckboy.) I never forced all those girls to sleep with me but they did it at their own will. Even a lion wouldn't let a gazelle just pass near his territory without doing a thing to it. If you know what I mean. The cool sea breeze was blowing towards my face. With Lino on my side. Everything is perfect. (I feel like I run outta words to describe how incredible she is.) Her head was on my shoulder since she was leaning against me. There must be a reason to why I've just met a girl like her. And I don't want to loose what we already have but I wanna gain more instead.

I want to be the only one she can lean on. The only one she can trust and confide on. She makes me feel loved and that is something I've been yearning for since forever. I know this feeling she gives me is strange and new but I think I know what it is now.

"Ivy it's getting late." She lifted her beautiful face and looked at me. "I know... Let's head back yah."

We quietly walked on the cool sand. The sun was setting. It was a really awesome view. Everything was just perfect. Then I stopped and lifted her up. "Wait! W-what are you doing?!" She cried out. My hands were on her waist and she placed hers on my shoulders.

"Lino let go of me! Just lift your hands in the air!" I told her while looking up.

"Wait...What if I fall or something?!" She asked with concern and gently I brought her down. I caressed her face. Looked into eyes and calmly told her.

"Just trust me sweetheart. I won't let go... Not now, not ever." No response came from her but she just bit her lip. I guess she does that when she's nervous. (Damn it's such a turn on.)

Lino had something in her. A thing that made me give in. I lifted her up again. We spun around while laughing out loud. Her hands were in the air. Eyes closed as she enjoyed the fresh breeze. (F*ck...I'm crazy about this girl.) I brought her down again and held her hands. Our eyes met. "How do you feel now?"

"Alive... I feel alive Ivy. You're crazy, you know that?" Her laughter filled the air.

"Yeah and that's because of you. I'm crazy about you Lino... Lemme ask you something. " She focused her eyes on me. They had wonder.

"Will you go out on a date with me this friday?" (Please!)

"Of course I-." I didn't wait for her to complete that. Instead I just pulled her waist towards my body. I leaned in and pecked her lips. She looked a bit shocked but relaxed in a few seconds. "I still want my book Ivy."

"You haven't forgotten about that?" I whispered to her ear and then went down to gently kiss her jaw. A soft moan escaped from her lips as she tried to speak again. "Why would-" I cutted her off.

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