Chapter 6: "Answer"

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Lino's pov

(Mondays are the worst) I thought as I walked through the hallways. Am was with me since our classes were going to start at the same time. "Girl I just hope I don't see a glimpse of Sam today." She looked a little bit exhausted. "But you guys share a class, there is no avoiding the guy."

(I really don't wanna see Ivy today either. After what happened, I might as well give him some space. Or forget about him like he wants me to. But will I be able to do that?) "Lino I'mma get going, see you at you!" She shouted. "See ya!"

"Hey good-lookin" I felt a hand on my shoulder. The moment I turned around I just knew it was him. Only he calls me Good-lookin . "Hey Chris, I haven't seen you around for days... What's up?" He started walking besides me. "I went away for half a week Good-lookin. I had some work to take care of." Chris is a chilled guy, anyone would enjoy hanging out with him. He's been into music for two years now. Traveling is what he does the most since his parents go on business trips a lot. We're friends since we share a lot in common. The love of music and art that we have. Rumours of us dating once made a trend. Minnie 'b*tch' started it but we didn't give a damn. I like how cool Chris can be. It's like he lives in his own universe or something.

"Tell me what have you been up to. Reading or drawing?" I gave him a smile. "Hah you know it. I've started reading a new book titled THE CROW. About some guy named Hem and-" he interrupted. "No wait, don't tell me yet. We'll talk about it during lunch or I'll come over to your place. I have to go now, okay?" (He hates spoilers) I didn't realise when I had reached my destination too. He leaned over and I have him a hug. "See you later Good-lookin!" He waved at me. Just as I was about to enter my class I saw Ivy. Hands in his pockets. I literally couldn't move.(Was he walking behind us all this time?)

"Good-lookin yah? Is that what they call you now?" His eyes were filled with fury. (Is he jealous or what?... Lemme have fun a bit)

"Not all people call me that. It's a 'special' nickname Chris has for me. Don't you like it?" I gave him a dirty smirk.

I saw his jaw clench, grinding his teeth. He made a tight fist with his hand.(I've got you where I want you Mr Sinner.) "Don't ask me stupid things Lino. Let's get to class" He snapped. Our lesson didn't take much time. Ivy kept on giving me a death glare, over and over again.

I had lunch with Am and my buddy Chris. But I had to attend later than them. Which meant I was stuck with Ivy for the remaining hours. I filled my water bottle before heading to my next class. While I was walking, minding my own business. Suddenly someone took hold of my arm and pulled me into the laboratory room. "What the f*ck do you think you're doing?!" I shouted but a hand covered my mouth. (This guy is taller than me) I looked up and I saw two pairs of brown, nearly hazel, sparkly eyes staring at me. "Ivy are you insane? What are you doing?" I tried to whisper. "Shhh...I should be the one asking questions here right now Lino" he looked into my eyes. His hands were on my shoulders, making sure I don't escape. I got lost in his eyes, I felt intoxicated. (It's like he is a drug and I'm getting hooked every time he is close to me)

"What have you done to me Lino? And that Chris guy... Damn" He whispered sharply. (Yup he is jelly but that fired him up and he looks so hot.) His hands held the sides of my cheeks. Caressing my face. I was burning up and blushing so mad his hands might have felt hot.

"You're right...I may be insane. I can't stop thinking about you ." His voice became more deeper, soft and ruspy. Nearly breaking.

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