Chapter 20: "Doubts"

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"Tik tok...Show Me Your World might end in a few Chapters but for now let's escape to this World of Imagination ya😜❤"

Uncle Victor's pov


The mission I was given was not that hard for a guy like me but I still had a bad feeling about it. My brother couldn't see through me at all. He was in the palm of my hand. Two days had passed after I was assigned this. We were in one of our headquarters, discussing our next move. No, actually I was observing and analysing all that my brother was up to.

"Like I said, before Linomsa becomes a problem. She needs to be sold soon. I'll be payed dearly. She's one of a kind." Mark said while looking at me straight in the eyes. Something about what he was saying made me feel sick. I was slowly adjusting to the change in me.

" heard me? And what the f*ck is with that look on your face man?" He gave me a curious look.

"It's nothing brother. Where and what time will this take place?"

"For a moment there I nearly thought you were sympathizing. _Weakling_ ..." He whispered the last word but it was clear enough for me to hear. "Next week friday. Midnight...I'll tell you where it'll take place tonight."

"Okay, I must go now. Iviwe needs me."

Suddenly Mark bursted out of laughter. "Nice one man. 'The brat needs you.' Not bad." He mocked.

I sometimes wondered if he was even human. I mean your own son?

(But I meant that. Iviwe does need me.)

"Yeah right! The idiot doesn't know what's coming. He still doesn't see through me. I'm his dearest uncle after all." I smirked and winked at him.

"Well played little Victor." He smirked back.

("Little Victor" that nickname, that damn nickname of mockery.) He hadn't called me that in years. There were times when him and my father would call me that. I was the weakling. The little boy who couldn't separate from his mother.

*'You're too weak for this little Victor. Your brother and I have operations to deal with. I wanna teach him how to be a real man. can stay here with your worthless mother.'* I never forgot the words my father used to say. He made me feel unwanted. I was never a brave son to him but a weakling in his eyes. When mother died, she made me promise I would take care of my brother. Mark Sinner. He's only 2 years older than me. Mother treated us equally, she'd even say we're twins like and twins are usually...opposites. W

hen she died everything just hit me. I had to change in order to survive.

"Ow and I killed one of my pawns." He said looking back at me. (Who's that? The mayor's daughter? I remember Lino wanted to tell me something about her two days ago.) "The mayor's princess. She was useless anyway."

(How could he just easily say that?) Killing the girls was never a part of the plan. I had to know the whereabouts of the body at least.

"Where is the body?"

"Who cares?" He sarcastically asked before going.

Before I could go back. I went to check on Lino. It was what I had been doing for the past two days. As one of the bosses, the guards didn't suspect me. They thought I went in her container just to torture her but I did the opposite. It took time for Lino to warm up to me. When I met her here, she was hopeless. It seemed like her trust in Ivy was fading away. Even though she still didn't trust me, I made sure that her trust and love in Ivy stayed the same.

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