Chapter 4: "Normal"

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Lino's pov

"So you guys exchanged numbers?" Am asked, we had just arrived from the mall. "Yeah, he asked me to help him with some updates."

"And you believed all that? Are you his only classmate or what?"

"Well according to him I'm the only one he knows in class and I don't really mind sharing my work."

"Ow this about work or you just want him around you? Yah" she asked holding in a chuckle. "No jeez! It's just school work Am...don't think too much about it" I stood up at that time. "Okay okay, What time will he arrive? Because I need to make some Sunday plans. This girl will not be a third wheel babe." She gave me a wink.

"I don't know, he hasn't replied to my text yet but I'll inform you. This is not a date btw, no need to talk about third wheels." I needed a warm bath before doing anything else. (I might as well wear some PJs since I'm not going anywhere plus it's nearly night time.)

Just as I was done, my phone bipped. It was a message from Ivy. Suddenly my heart started beating fast.

Hey cutie I got your text

"Cool, what time will you arrive tomorrow"

12:00 maybe, are you missing me already?

"Don't fool your self. I'm just asking."

You just asking can get ready for this handsome face, am I right?😉

"I didn't say that. Btw I'm not like those girls who would fall on your feet just to get into your pants.😏"

Feisty! I like you already

(I don't know why that just made me blush.) I literally groaned. "Pssh bye Ivy!"

See you tomorrow cutie

I woke up earlier than usual. Took a bath, got dressed and I had my natural makeup on. "Hey girl, I love your shorts." She's the one who gave me these. "Yeah we both know why you love them. So what are your plans for today?" I asked

"I'm meeting up with Samkelo at the park. We have a project together. Even though I know the guy won't participate. Lazy bones!" (Why am I getting a feeling that she doesn't like the guy?)

"Then why are you working with him?"

"I have no choice, we somehow got teamed up. It was supposed to be a monday thing but some change of plans happened."

Am interacts with everyone she meets. She is fun to hangout with but I don't think this Samkelo guy is in her good books. A few hours passed after Am left. Just as I was about to make my self a snack or have some chips, I heard a knock on the door. (I guess he has arrived.)

"Hello, Lino are you here?!" His face peaked throught the tiny space on the door.

"Why are you peaking like that and can't you wait for me to open the door for you? What if I was naked or something?" (Why the f*ck did I ask that?)

"Then I would have been next to you in a flash cutie." He gave me a naughty look as he entered.

Ivy's pov

I observed her from afar, shorts look good on her. "Did I say you should come in?" She asked

"Well, should I go back? We can't rewind this babe, come on."

She looked at me for a while and gave me an eyeroll. "Fine, have a seat."

Damn I'm so left behind. This f*ckin semester is the worst. Lino gave me some notes and assignment copies. I told her to send some files I could keep on my laptop. After that we decided to chill a bit. Why would I leave when a lady offers me a snack?

"What's your surname Ivy?" She asked out of the blue and handed me a bawl of chips.

(Who doesn't know who I am? Is she asking me that on purpose? I'll play along) "Sinner, my surname is Sinner." I replied before questioning her too. "What's yours?"


I would have guessed that she's Zulu. "Zulu girl, cool."

She nodded and gave me a questioning look. "And before you ask, my grandma was a Xhosa lady who fell for a Zulu guy. She named me Iviwe. I'm half Zulu...half Dominican." I whispered the last part. I don't know why I feel so comfortable around her and it makes me feel different.

"Ow, Como estás Ivy?" She asked with a sweet chuckle in her voice.

"Bíen, you know Spanish?" I asked letting out a laughter.

"Not really...but I like it. You should teach me one day."

"Cool, tell me more about yourself Lino." I turned to face her.

"Where do I even start?...I grew up in Groutville. I was actually born there. My mother raised me while my father was in the army but when I was 7 he passed away." Her voice whispered softly as she told me about the deceased. I could tell she wasn't starting to feel good. "I'm the only child, so the attention has always been on me a lot. I would sometimes feel suffocated but I do appreciate the love I recieved from my mom and grandparents."

I looked around and something caught my eye. A beautiful potrait of a dark raven on the wall. "Are you into art Lino?"

Her face lit up and she gave me a warm smile. "Yes I am"

I was fascinated. "I guess we have that in common."

She smiled again. I looked into her brown angelic eyes and my heart skipped a beat. (What's happening to me?) I felt myself leaning closer...and closer like I had no control over myself. I think she felt something too, maybe awkwardness I guess. She looked nervous all of a sudden and her face turned away from my gaze.

After a few seconds my eyes met hers again and they travelled down to her pink lips. She then bit her bottom lip. (Please don't do that.) I was lost in the moment, no words came out of my mouth. Her lips parted like she was about to say something but she just swallowed.

"Will you stop me if I kissed you right now?" I whispered softly, still looking into her eyes.

(I just asked her without even giving it a thought, what's wrong with me?...she must be thinking I'm an idiot right now.)

She had a look of surprise and then cleared her throat. "'s your turn Ivy."

I came back to my sences. "Huh, Turn for what?"

"Tell me about yourself, your family...and where you from?"

All of a sudden I felt my enger building up. Memories of the past started flashing in my eyes. I was starting to feel normal for a moment but I guess a guy like me cannot have a normal life.

"Trust don't wanna enter that world." I stood up and picked my stuff, getting ready to just leave.

"But Ivy I-"

"No Lino, I'm just not the kinda guy you would want in your life." I interrupted. "I have to go yah, thanks for helping me. I won't bother you again."

With that I left. I didn't even look back. (She was just trying to be friendly but I can't allow her in my shattered world. I just have to forget about her.)

Will he be able to forget about her? The moment they shared? Can he ever open up to her or not? the next chapter to find out.🙃😘

"When I'm around ya I feel it in my veins. Somethin' about ya that's makin' me go insane" ~Fallin by Why don't we

yeah, I'm a limelight🖤

Winter out!👑🖤

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