Chapter 17: "Past Demons"

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Y'all are gonna be reading a lotta Ivy point of views, buckle up and let's take a ride to IvyxLino's world. 🎊#chapter17🎊

Ivy's pov

I don't know on what speed my car was but I just drove without thinking. "What have I done?" I felt tears bulding up, the adrenaline rush hit in. My emotions were all over the place. I finally arrived at their apartment, I wanted handle everything by my self. The moment I went in Am just stood up and came running to me.


I couldn't even finish the whole question, a hot slap landed on my cheek. (Damn this girl can slap! F*ck!)

"Where the f*ck is Lino you crazy psycho?!" Am shouted, her eyes were red and puffy from crying I guess.

"Let me explain..." I asked calmly.

"Explain what? How you failed to protect Lino?! You deserve more than this slap! What if she's..." She kept quiet for a while and I just stood there.

"Please don't say something you might regret." I tried to keep my cool. "Am listen, I didn't want Lino to know this was gonna come 'till I had enough proof okay!"

"Y-you knew this was coming and you kept quiet?! It was your plan right? your gang took her. Didn't they?!" She fired up again.

"I would never hurt Lino, trust me. That would be damaging my own heart. I was going to explain everything later...but-"

"Trust you?...a guy who was able to kill his own father. You failed Sinner. You love her, don't you? Weren't you supposed to protect her? Be by her side since you knew all this sh*t was coming! Look where we at now!! She's gone and we have no clue but this f*ckin letter they left here and it got your damn name! I don't even want to see your face right now! I ha-"

"Won't you just shut the f*ck up and listen! Damn girl! You don't even know the whole story!"

A stunned look appeared on her face. (I can shout too and this is the wrong time to mess with me.) She was getting on my nerves for real. (Can't she stop talking? Imma try to tolerate this for now.)

"I already regret what I did. I'm stressed fact I can't even think properly. So it's either you shut up and listen or I'll-" suddenly I heard a door knob sound come from the bathroom.

"Am I can't find any clue here, besides the broken phone and note." (Chris!)

"What the f*ck is he doing here Amethyst?! He was eavesdropping too!" It was definitely the wrong time to see that guy's face.

"You got a problem with that?" (Did this stupid motherf*ker just ask me that?) Can't lie, I was tolerating this guy only for my girl but I don't like his gutts.

"I called him here, at least he came faster than you!"

"I get that you're mad but don't compare me to that-" I can't explain how fired up I was getting at that time.

"I had to be here, Lino is my best friend, remember Mr Sinner? I already knew you were bad news but this....this has gone too far and a life is on the line."

I was running out of patience for real. (I need to shut this nigga up right now. F*ck whatever he says. Who does he think he is to tell me all that?) My hand was tingling and just as I was about to pull out my gun Am stopped my hand.

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